CPR overflow idea

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2004
Spokane, WA
Ok, I have a CPR 90 overflow box on my 90 gal non RR tank. I am planning on putting together an over the top CL system on it powered by a Mag 12. Now based on Reef Centrals Head loss calc if I were to use 3/4" pipe to do the job I would be pushing over the upper limits of my overflow box by about 100 GPH. If I were to take this overflow box and take out thedrain fitting, seal the bottom with another sheet of acrylic and then add another drain fitting could I get an increased amount of flow through it or is the flow through more limited by the leangth of the unit?

I guess my other otion would be to put a 3-way off of the CL line and push the excess back into the sump. Give me your opinions on this and what you would do. I would like to get better flow into my tank and be able to direct it better without the ugly PH's I am using now.
Thanks for your help,
Im not awak enough to follow what your sayin or askin, but i made a CL manifold usin 1" PVC and a Mag12, it works fine for half of my tank. The pro's say its not enough flow, but i have four outlets per manifold and you cant see it from lookin at the side of the tank. (sorry this info was prbably no help, but its a bump!)

If you are currently using the overflow for your sump with another return pump, you may want to plumb a true closed loop by just using piping to go over the top of the tank for the intakes. Here is an example of what I am refering to.


No need to max out the overflow, let it do it's job and skim the surface and send it down to the sump and skimmer.
You can always just put a ball valve in the return line and slow down the flow return to the tank. Then the overflow wont be overloaded and you wont have a flood.
Are you adding a closed loop? or just a bigger (or another) return pump?
A closed loop would not use an overflow box. For the setup you describe, you would just have two pipes going over the top of the tank - the intake for the closed-loop pump, and the return line for the closed loop. Probably some sort of T in the intake line so you could initially prime the pump.