Cracked Center Brace Concern

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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2010
Mill Creek, WA
Question... I have a chance to get a very good deal on a new 90 gallon tank and the only problem is that the top center brace is cracked but not broken all the way through. What are the risks of using this as a reef tank and is there a reliable way to repair or reinforce the brace or does it really matter that much. Advice please.:help:
From what I got out of your original post the brace is plastic. If so you could get some 1/8'' acrylic. Cut two strips the same length and width of the brace. Clamp them to the brace one on top one on the bottom. Drill holes thru the sandwich on each side of the crack. Counter sink the holes and use stainless nuts and bolts. I would also add a dab of silicone on top of each bolt and nut.
This would only work if the crack is 1/4 to 1/2 way between the ends. If it is close to the end you may not be able to get enough holes in the one side of the brace to hold anything,
There is also got to be some type of glue or solvent that would bond the plastic to the acrylic. If you could find out what the brace is made of from the tank manufacture, you could pin point the correct glue by doing a google.

That is just my thought. I am sure there will be more to come.
confusion seems to have appeared? is it the cross brace or the trim? if its just the trim don't worry as it adds no strength to the tank just protection for the glass and a neat appearance. If its a glass brace just get one cut to size and replace it, aquariums are not complicated things to build I have 2 110gal and a 200gal I built and are full of Chiclids, be happy to walk you through the repair, just ask.
Yep and if you need someone closer I just finished a 200 gal cube from scratch with Myteemouses help. But yeah the brace is super easy.
You might also check with your LFS on a quote for a whole new top ring if it is the factory plastic piece.
I replaced the one on my 72g bowfront a year ago after a crack formed, it was a special order and was under $75 threw Blue Sierra. for a 90g standard tank, I'm sure it would be a much cheaper part to replace.
You just use razor blades to remove the old one and the silicone that held it on and then just put new cilicone in the glass channel of the new onwe and press it on then let cure for a day or 2.

Only other option would be to eurobrace the tank with glass or as mentioned, if the crack is not on the edge, reinforce it with acrylic sheets and bolts although I would go with nylon nuts and bolts.

Good luck, and hope this helps.
Thanks guys! Yea, it's just a plastic piece that runs front to back in the top middle of the tank for dividing the glass versa-tops. It is so flimsy to begin with I'm not sure even how structural it is or how important. If I get the tank I will reach out for some help.
it is a structural piece only in the fact that it helps prevent deflection in the front and back panel.