Noting there is not much info on this treatment here on RF let alone many other sites, so I will state my observations and experience so far.
I recieved an order of fish from the same place and hence same water supply and decided to QT and treat prophylacticly in the same qt tank to save on chemicals and water changes and just general hassles. The qt is a barebottom 55g with 20g sump, trickle fitler with ceramic biomedia, return about 250gph with spray bar, the tank is full of pvc and inert decoration. the fish are a dozen 3/4 in tank raised clowns, 3 purple firefish, a powder blue tang, and 2 leftover chromis from previous ich explosion which had been previously cured with hyposalinity.
Day 1: Temp 77, sg 1.022. 24 hours after acclimnation began deworming with Prazipro.
D2: trace ammonia, 0 nitrite
D3: 0 ammonia all test fine untill further mention
D4: 2nd dose of prazipro after 40% water change...just for good measure
D5 thru 7 completed deworming
D8: 80% water change began cryptopro for marine ich (prophylactic)
D9 and 10 all is well and have been follwing manufactures direction for crypto with about 30% daily water changes.
D11. had very busy day, skipped water change and water testing but still did daily dose of cryptopro.
D12: my world get rocked a bit as test shows 2 to 3 ppm ammonia. did 75% water change and dosed amequel. then notice the first white spot on my volitans ( different tank) ( he was acting normal the day before). transfer lionfish to 20g QT and dosed cryptopro. lionfish dead 12 hours later leaving me still very perplexed since I REALLY thought...and was very proud of my recognizing his ailment with only 2 definative spots.
D13: still have 1ppm ammonia. did 60% water change. dosed Prime
D13.5 ...the next morning. checked fish at 0430 because of local weather I may have been stuck at work for an extended time. notice most clownsfish and even tang sleeping on their sides. Freaks me the heck out...but later learned this is actually a known behavior, but did 70% water change at that time which was about 10 hours after the last water change but did not dose crypto untill that eve after learning that the fish were actually fine, and learning that cryptopro leaves reageant test kits useless.
D14 today) no water tests since unreliable, but increased observation of fish. no water change since have done so many already and learned from other member they only change water every 2 days now after having much experience with this treatment. just continue daily dosing.
The end result of how effective this treatment is for marine ich is yet to be told and in my case treating prophylacticaly, will never know if it cures ich...just only if I have an outbreak after treatiing them in QT. The course of treatment is minimum 10 days and max of 14. I plan to go the full length and then continue with quarantine.