Cyano on starpolyps

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2005
vancouver wa
My star polyp rock has developed a lot of cyano on it. it is killing the polyps and getting thicker, I scrub it off every few days but it grows back just as fast. Is there some kind of dip that I can dip the coral in to kill the cyano?
how about a fresh water dip?

any thoughts would be great...

tagging along on this one, I had the same problem, unfortunatly 90% of my gsp died. Growing back very slow
The trick for me is blow them off regularly. They way they are built, detiruis is trapped on the surface and feeds the cyanno. Take a turky baster to them.
Cyano??????????what is this?????

A very nuicance algae...

Best of luck to ya Matt. I agree with Steve. Turkey basting is good and if want to kick it up a bit, just blow it off with a powerhead.
Thanks everyone for your help, but as I said that is what I have been doing and it isnt shaking it.. I gues I will just wait and see....

isolate and chemi clean? just a thought, it got rid of mine for a long time, i think it may be coming back a little, though very very isolated so i'm not too worried
perhaps get a smaller powerhead and aim the flow over the GSP's Cyno hates flow with a passion.. mabey like a 101 or 201 aquamarine. think thats what they are called.