Damm f#&*^#*&@ peice of *@*(*@# calcium reactor

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Reef Keeper
Jul 5, 2003
Well I guess my CR wanted to be a part of the recent disaster club and decided to explode spewing crap all over the place and then back syphoning into to my tank and dropping the PH down to 7.2!!!!!!!!! I have the damm thing tied to my truck bumper and I am going to drive around town tonite (just watch Troy the other night) .
Well I am on white watch now, lost 3 colonies so far. One is a 16 inch wide by 12 inch tall cap and two eflows about 10 round. It looks like my pocci might be heading down that road to, its about the size of a beach ball.

Life goes on...and on


Oh Shiza Mikee,

It seems to be the season, and they say that bad things happen in 3's. So hopefully your tank will pull thru with out too many casualties. Let me know if there is anything you need.
Oh man Mike! That really sucks bigtime! I can't even begin to imagine how you must be feeling after all of your hard work and effort you have put into your tank! I wish you the best and hope you don't loose any more colonies. I know you are quite upset now so I will think positively for you and assure you that all will be o.k. Best of luck Mike...
I hope you keep your wits and the tank balances out well/ soon the balance of your livestock survives and the new cr never fails :)
I want Video!!! Put a spear through it's left lung while your at it!!! Mike you can single handedly take out reef equipment frustrations for all of us who have wanted to make a specticle of our frackn plastic crap but havent :) lol Redemption is upon us! :)

I'm really sorry to hear about the large colonies...
Get the new C.R. Take the old C.R. outside and set it next to the new C.R. Introduce them, then shoot the old CR to death with a shotgun. Maybe the new one will understand.
sorry to hear that Mike, I know it has to be very stressful and heartbreaking, I just thought a little fun might cheer you up some.
charlie said:
Send it to me Mike, I'll just bet a 30.06 will make a big enuf hole in it to make you happy!!!!!
Hope your tank rebounds, knowing you, I'm sure it will.

If not I have a 300 Mag that will also do a fine job:D

Sorry Mike that sounds crappy, hope you don't loose much!
If not I have a 300 Mag that will also do a fine job

...And if that doesn't work, just p.m Jiddy. I'm sure one of his planes can drop a bomb or two for ya!

Mike we are all joking here a bit to cheer you up some (not making fun so don't think that:) ) We all know if anyone can get it worked out it's you so I'm sure you'll be fine...
Holy Crap! I woulda paid to see your face when you discovered that. After all the trouble getting that thing dialed in this is how it repays you??? Damn! Sorry man...real drag about the colonies going down hill. Hopefully you have seen the end of the losses and the rest will recover.

You know the anemonies are going to have an orgy now because they feel threatened ;)

Best of luck to ya man! Give a shout if you need any help with anything.
oh that sucks Mike ... man ... was this before or after we talked on the phone? I still have your coral if you need them back (before I take care of them in my tank swap ... haha)
No Chuck it happened just before this weekend. I went down and saw white, never a good sign. I check the PH on the AC and it was down around 7.1 another crappy sign.
Its hard to tell went wrong with the CR as it dumped media everywhere and has salt creep all over it. I havent move it yet, just disconnected it. From a glance it looks like the joint on the bottom between the bottom plate and the tube let go?? not sure but it stopped the recirc pump and then my feed pump went into suck mode instead of blow. As of right now the 2nd efflow is still going so I figure it will be gone by tommorrow, the pocci is also continuing to rtn, I might try to salvage the pocci?? other then that all seems to be ok and the parameters are back to normal and hold constant.
I guess when you have been doing this hobby for a while you learn that ancient chinese proverb "Sh** Happens"

Ya know Mike, I feel your pain. This morning I woke up and in looking at the tank discovered my 8-9” Sail fin tang was belly up, so was the Naso, banner fish, several Chromis and Bi-Color angelfish. What I found was the new evaporator coil (for the chiller) I installed yesterday had sprung a leak and dumped the refrigerant and some compressor oil in the display tank. Needless to say I broke out the carbon and have started water changes. So far no corals seem to be bothered by this. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for my tank as well as yours.
Ya know Mike, I feel your pain. This morning I woke up and in looking at the tank discovered my 8-9” Sail fin tang was belly up, so was the Naso, banner fish, several Chromis and Bi-Color angelfish. What I found was the new evaporator coil (for the chiller) I installed yesterday had sprung a leak and dumped the refrigerant and some compressor oil in the display tank. Needless to say I broke out the carbon and have started water changes. So far no corals seem to be bothered by this. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for my tank as well as yours.

Sorry to hear that Les...The New Year is right around the corner so hopefully with it, it will bring good things. I wish you both the best. In the meantime, I will go and check my tank!

Previously posted by BigT
and they say that bad things happen in 3's
Well that just bites Mike. I believe a slow death would be nice for the CR, like drilling alot of tiny holes in it, make shavings out of it.... Sorry to hear about the corals..... Life goes on...........
Holy mother of crap....I'm sorry about that mike...

Was that the orange/red montipora capricornis from me!?

Let us know what's going on...
