Day to Day cost

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Well-known member
Dec 6, 2008
So as many of you know, I am starting my first aquarium. Its a 75 gallon with a refugium. Alot of you have been extremely helpful answering all my questions. Thank you! My next question is about money. :) I obviously know the start up costs, (I've been hiding that from my girlfriend. I just show her the pictures not the price. :D ) What about day to day cost? How much do you think it will cost in food, test kits, salt, stuff like that monthly once its all set up? Any ideas? Also what are some hidden costs? Like for instance calibration fluid when I get a refractometer? Thanks again for all the help everyone.
dont forget electricity!! your tank can draw a good $50 a month extra electricity, some tanks in the 200+ range are costing over $100 a month just in energy... my 300 gallon system costed me an average of $150+ a month for food, salt, test kits, electricity..

Nice, I completely forgot about that. Luckly I'm moving into a duplex in a month and the electricity bill is set at a standard payment. Maybe that means I need a bigger tank? :)

you can use this calculator to determine electricity costs:

personally, I would factor in costs for pH and TDS meters with digital display, and depending on how precious your livestock/corals are, a generator of some type.

For my 375 gallon system, an automatic standby natural gas generator was added into my budget.

so if you are going to go bigger, a generator IS a must IMO.

Think of it as a protection to your investment.
dont forget electricity!! your tank can draw a good $50 a month extra electricity, some tanks in the 200+ range are costing over $100 a month just in energy... my 300 gallon system costed me an average of $150+ a month for food, salt, test kits, electricity..


that sounds about right. i equate it to a 20 oz. mocha a day at starbucks:)
52 more bucks to spend on your girlfriend...

haha yeah i could do that or just buy some more fish stuff haha but then again he has to figure in the cost of salt and water and if you have an ro/di then water will be cheaper. but im about to change my setup to downsize it all lol.
One thing i have learned (I am a new-be too) is that just when you think you have everything you need...there is something else. If you are like me, you want the best and you do end up spending a lot of money. I started TOTALLY from scratch and I would hate to see how much I have spent. My advise, and remember I am a new-be so take it with a grain of salt...but, the first time you have money to spend, GET AN RO/DI unit. It makes a REALLY big difference and I wish I would have invested in one sooner. I too started with a 75 gallon. Good luck!
I've already got the RO/DI. It is $52 more a month I could spend on my girlfriend but she gets spoiled anyways. :) thanks again guys. I just wanted to make sure it wasent something crazy like a car payment for a BMW a month to run the tank.
haha no problem there jeather and that was for only one of my tanks lol. but my girl she understands and she gets spoiled also when i can.
Don't forget when you go to the LFS to get your salt and see that $90.00 frag...or when you need more food and see that $120.00 acan...or when you need some carbon and see that $200.00 fish...or when you decide your.....?
yes good point there jhampton, but normally i have to go straight to the salt and water and have to leave right away lol. But when i do wander i usually see the nice fish there but have to remind my self i dont have the money for it. :) gotta love the hobby lol
Great. I just can't wait until I can go to the LFS see the $140.00 frag and know that I could actually have somewhere to put it. I seriously can't wait to set this thing up. I know nothing good ever happens fast in this hobby so I'm not going to rush but still. At least I got Coral Propagation by Anthony Calfo yesterday so i've got some more stuff to read and learn while I wait to move.
yeah it is very nice when you get your tank all set up i think i might use my new 65g tank as a softie tank or something not sure yet lol always changing in this hobby. lol and good luck with ur tank :)
Thanks man. I've still got alot of planning to do. But at this point I think I just need to start buying equipment and messing with it to see how it all works.
yeah at least your starting out right and not trying to fix a setup that was from a guy before. :( its been lots of hard aches and bad times but its going good now, and i think i might have the softie tank for a passive fish tank and the bigger tank a more aggressive tank :) i like my lionfish lol