death and destruction cloud

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Fish Geek
Mar 21, 2005
Hi all,

well last night in 5 minutes after turning my lights out I went to look at my tank and the water had TURNED WHITE, as in extremely cloudy, I figured a PH had stirred up the sand and ignored it. This morning I go turn the lights on and it's still coudy, and guess what, I have STN on my SPS, so what I am doing is prepping some corals for a move to my propagation tank, and about to do some massive water changes, I put a carbon in last nite before I went to bed. I have to say this is one thing I've never seen before. I looked at this under a microscope this morning and the particles were almost triagular in shape. There were no additions to this tank except for some liquid calcium yesterday morning.

Josh - check your water parameters....salinity, Ca, Mg, Alk. Do you have anything that may have spawned, like clams?
CA 400ppm Alk 4.0 mg/l A,Nitra, Nitri, all 0, 1.027 salinity,

3 croceas, one derasa.


Are you in chat, if not go :D
do you have an anemone? Could be a release as this does happen every now and then. Makes the tank look like someone poured milk in
I have caulerpa, but it's not sexual... I think I have to go with the clams did it.. they are seeming to be happy as heck... so far I have exacuated all of my sps... and we'll see on the rest :doubt:

-Josh- :cool:
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Good news... I rescued all of my corals... all of the fish are fine, the clams are great. I did about 150g worth of water changes on the 75g system and it worked well... although the nitrates skyrocketed overnight after the spawning... The spawning was triggered by me turning off the AC that day as it was 55F in the house :| so when it got sunny out later the tank heated up to the 80s... instead of the low 76-77 I keep it at...


sadly I lost my cali tort colony...
Hi Josh, what's the update?

I mean are they settled in the other tank? or things still going downhill?

Did you have a chance to take a photo of the other tank after you were done?

- Ilham
Sorry to hear about the cali tort :(. Is everything else still doing alright? How high did the nitrates get?