Deep Sand Bed "snow"

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Oct 6, 2012
Cape Cod, Mass.
Hi everyone,... I just started up a brand new system, (after the last FAILURE with RTA!) all disinfected and ready to go!
I've been getting advice from Newyorksteelo and feel pretty confident about what I'm doing, but I don't want to inundate him with too many questions, so I'll ask here.

I have a 75 gallon tank with 4inch dsb of sugarfine sand, which I added 2 days ago.
The water has a white haze. I imagine it's just the sand, but but thought it would settle by now!

I'm running a brand new Aquaclear 70, and Remora skimmer. I have a CPR hob refugium soon to be installed as soon as a new pump impeller comes in the mail.

I'm pricing rock NOW, to be added within the week.

How am I doing?

Thanks for everyone's imput and suggestions.
Sounds like your doin fine. If your running the skimmer right now, you could turn it off till the water clears up so the really fine sand particles dont ruin the pump. Just a thought. Rinse out the filter pad(s) and sponges in the hob filter often. This should help clear up the water. Did you rinse the sand real good before you put it in?
The fuge will have Miracle mud for the substrate and cheato. Can't wait to get THAT going!
The skimmer I just shut off because I saw a post saying that was best.
And NO, I didn't rinse the sand,..hope that was a joke! LOL!
Rinsing the sand is no joke....rinsing help remove fine dust particles.
However like suggested rinse your HOB filters often and it should clear up, may take up to a week as they are very fine.
I also agree with turning off your skimmer.
Definitely no need to run your lights, but you can set em up. Save your lamps life time for when you actually need them :)

Good luck and have fun!! :)

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The sand is LIVE sand. Did you know that? I wouldn't rinse it, as this would kill off the beneficial bacteria. AND, it's sugar fine as it comes.

Not sure if serious :confused:. Live sand can be rinsed. You can mix a batch of salt water to rinse it in or used some old tank water. It's just like what people do with liverock they are adding into their tank. They would "swish" it in a bucket of either old tank water or a new batch of salt water. This will help you get rid of the loose particles on it.

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with sugar sand dont place the power heads to close to the bottom or it will make race tracks in the sand and blow it everywhere. sugar is a pain it keep in one place. also put some sand/aragonite on top of the miracle mud to keep it in place as well it will cloud the tank every time its disturbed. i have it in my 90g sump and it messy stuff.
The sand you got, did you go out and get it off the beach? The sand people get in bags from the lfs isnt live. It says it is. But the sand is sitting in a bag with water, sealed up and put in a pallet, shipped to the warehouse and sits for how long before a store orders it to put it on there shelf for how long waiting for somebody to buy it. Ive bought a bag of caribsea livesand, opened it up and that stuff smelled like lowtide on a hot day.
In my researching of sand because I will be getting new for when I set up my tank at my new place. On CaribSea's website they say that sugar fine sand (oolite) should not be used as a deep sand bed and should only be at a depth of 1 to 2 inches. You can write CaribSea and they will respond, I did and they answered my questions. On Drs. Foster & Smith they say that to rinse live sand you put some in a bucket with clean, fresh saltwater and swish it around to create a slurry. This will cause the water to turn milky which is the fine dust in the water. Dump that out put the sand in the tank and keep repeating until all of it is washed. Although you will lose some of the bacteria, it will not kill all of the bacteria and after it gets in the tank they will repopulate what has been lost. By the way, welcome to Reef Frontiers. I use to live in northern Mass in Andover and worked in Burlington. I have been to the cape a lot.
Rapid Tissue Necrosis.

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I dont think they meant Rapid Tissue Necrosis (RTN), since they disinfected the tank because of it. I'm curious what RTA means too.

We will all probably go "OH YEAH, THAT!" when we find out!
I dont think they meant Rapid Tissue Necrosis (RTN), since they disinfected the tank because of it. I'm curious what RTA means too.

We will all probably go "OH YEAH, THAT!" when we find out!

Wow!! Totally misread that one didn't I?! Lol

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