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Well-known member
Feb 6, 2012
Vancouver, Washington
Ok so I have good flow in the tank, but there are spots that detritus seems to collect, And the nassarius snails don't seem to go for it, my turbo snails are for my algae control, is there something I can get for it that will not out grow my 28 gallon tank

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A siphon hose/vacuum :)

This is where we come in. What flow, filters nor critters can handle, we have to. Weekly water changes help keep waste to a minimum. :)

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Ok so its ok to move the live rock around to get to it ?

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It's under your liverock?? If so, how can you see it? Typically you don't want to have to get in there to move stuff around to clean, but if it is somewhere that you can see, but just hard to reach then I guess you have to do what you have to. This is the reason I hate sand! :p.

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+1 im all for no sand....
however it does kinda complete are lil pieces of water.... ties it all together for a beautiful tank.

Get urself a turkey baster man! Squirt squirt....
Yeah I got the turkey baster, and I reposition the powerhead to hit the corner where I can see it settling, and now I see a lot in my water column, and it seems to be doing better at not allowing stuff to settle. Def think I'm taking some of the turbo snails out, to bring that bioload down. But I do have a lot of tube worms. They seem to be opening up a lot more now. Thanks for the suggestions y'all.:D

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Ok I had to change it around to allow for more flow in the tank, and to add more flat parts. And over hang for future inhabitants.

HTC EVO tapatalk
You change your tank around more than a pitcher tells his catcher no!!!! LOL
You would be best off controlling flow so you can get your detritus to collect in a pile where you can get to it easily. It may take a few times adjusting and waiting to see the results.

Kirsh id right on

BTW IMO get rid of the sand
Lol I know, but I figure I got a long time before anything delicate will be placed in the tank. And there were parts where even the turkey baster could reach. So I took it as something needed to change. But yes I think I should leave it alone :p

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Well its mostly on the back corners. I was going to get a cucumber, but my LFS said not to cause sooner or later the cause tank crashing. And it would need to be detritus eating specific. So I redirected my powerhead at that main corner, its got most of it. But I'll just suck what I see up with the baster

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