disappointing snorkel trip

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Blue Tang
Nov 28, 2005
well, we went snorkeling today..we were there for ten minutes when we realized we were in a huge group of jellyfish....they were from about tennis ball size to basketball size..i caught some of the big ones in a net and was throwing them onto the rocks..i got minor stings all over my body..all of a sudden i swam right into a small one..it stung me worse than i have ever been stung by one..it turned into a huge whelp:eek: ..that was at noon today..it still hurts right now..we got out of the water and got onto the rocks..we could literally see 30-40 of the big ones swimming...we decided to go onto the other side of the jetty and try it out...i found some baby tangs in about a foot or less of water..i couln't catch them because they were too fast and hiding in the rocks...we are going to get some smaller nets tommorrow and maybe try Krish's approach with chicken or something:D ..i didn't really get to see anything ehile i was snorkeling..we saw everything in ankle deep water today...hopefully tommorow will be better..i am taking my camera, so maybe i can get a tang!!!!!!
Welcome to the world of stings!:p I feel your pain! I just bought a ton of gear today (check my Bahamas log thread) and I'm planning to go out at 10am in the morning to look for a few things. Man...If you want to catch tangs, you need to be in shallow water where you don't have to hold your breath to chase them and can get them to run into a nice rock where you can get them. They are too fast to stay down long enough to catch them with just a regular fish net. Also, that place you mentioned sounds like a real pain in the neck anyways to catch fish! A real easy way though to catch pretty much anything is make a small trap (I made one out of pvc pipe and fittings one time) and put a little door on it and tossed some food in it and when the fish go in, you close it behind them. I never got a chance to try mine out, but my friend made a simlar one and caught all sorts of fish the same way:)
i am going to try some smaller nets ...there are rocks all over the bottom on one side of the jetty..they had tons of places to hide..all the rocks are side by side, so i couldn't get the net in there!!
LOL...The rocks I usually chase them in are pretty small. I've never tried to catch any big ones before, but have hooked a few with a fishing line :oops: I use to buy "fly" hooks (we called them) Small enough to hide inside of a single pea (like peas and rice "pea" :p ) and they use to come up and take the bait before the grunts got a chance to get to it. Them, sargeant majors and wrasses. That was the old way we use to catch small fish for a tank my uncle had, but you ended up with fish with busted mouths. The rocks I chase the small ones in, are small enough to just lift with one hand sometimes. I need an underwater camera to show you what I mean. Even into ledges helps a bit:)
Both you guys as divers probably already know it, but if you rinse any jelly contact/sting with a strongish acid such as lime/lemon juice, vinegar or whatever else is close by and handy, one can neutralize the nematocysts. Rinse afterwords and do not rub. Anti inflammatory Nsaids such as tylenal or ibuprophen or aspirin helps with the swelling. Similar to fire coral or any nematocysts firing creature including carpet anemones. If you have any major reaction, get medical attention fast! I am not an MD, just an experienced and many times stung free diver.
sheesh Ron, i didn't know you were planning on making a scar face movie :p be careful dood ..... i mean you might see spongebob squizing jellyfishes to get some jelly but this is real life dood so don't do it :lol: :lol: .

i agree with Mike, my uncles used to rub some lemon everytime they'd get sting :D .
yeah, i have heard to use lime juice,meat tenderiser, and "pee"...i'll pass on the last one!!(unless she is fine)LOL..i didn't put anything on it..i took a pick of the sting today..it has gone down considerably, but it left a purple scar..i went to the beach today with a bunch of friends..i didn't get to go snorkeling at all.. i saw 2 of thesame kind of jellies that stung me yesterday, so i got out..i didn't see the huge ones..we have "man o wars" here..i am not sure if that is what the large ones were.. i might go snorkeling in the morning again...i am fried and tired right now..we got home qt like 5:00 this morning.i am going to go to bed for a while..Krish, i tried to call you a few minutes ago around 3:00...no answer i went out last night before i could call..
LOL!!!!! yeah, i am grateful!!!! are you talking about the girl or the jellyfish????LOL J/K!!!!!!
Krish, i tried to call you a few minutes ago around 3:00...no answer

LOL! The power went off just before 3 and when it does and the generator cuts on, I have to reset the vonage:p It's back up now:)
Krish...T.P.M.?????????? i have some funny guesses, but i will let you explain!!!!
i can't really tell if that is what it was...an underwater shot would probably be easy to identify..the ones that were here yesterday were about the size of a basketball cut in half...some were darker colored than others..some were transluscent...the small ones were tennis-softball size and had a dark squiggly center in them...the small one is the one that stung me!!! i guess Hurricane Ernesto had something to do with the fact that they were everywhere. i used to see big ones like that here and there, but this was crazy..you could just look out and see them anywhere you looked!!
I had to get an injection last year from those things (man-o-wars) I jumped into a patch of them by accident...GO figure :doubt: