Dispar Anthias

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Designer Reef
Aug 22, 2007
I have two questions. First has anyone ordered fish off the net? More specifically saltwaterfish.com?
And secondly I have wanted to get 6 Dispar Anthias' for my 200 gal reef tank, but I have heard that they are a pain to get eating and what not. Does anyone have any experience with this?

DisPar Anthias = have some

Hi Tyler I have 2 of these fish that started out as a school of three have had the remaining pair for over 2 years they are very good at eating many diffrent
foods suspened in the water colume they won't eat off the bottom or peck off the rocks 6 fish for you 200 gallon tank is a great choice for peacefull timid Anthias. What other fish do you have in this tank? As for being robust enought for air shipments you may have some trouble with this cold weather.
I have had good luck with saltwaterfish.com in the past. Have you read~seen Mojo's link?

And on a final note and what got me into getting mine were from this thread please read it as it was a real good sorce to help me with my choice HTH...Jeff


I have two questions. First has anyone ordered fish off the net? More specifically saltwaterfish.com?
And secondly I have wanted to get 6 Dispar Anthias' for my 200 gal reef tank, but I have heard that they are a pain to get eating and what not. Does anyone have any experience with this?

The only other fish I have are a spotted rabbit fish, watchman goby, firefish, stripped cardinal, and a small kole tang. I will check that link out...thanks!
You may want to pick up some frozen Cyclopeeze. It's the favorite food of my lyretail anthias. I've never tried dispar before, but I've read that most anthias will eat frozen cyclopeeze. The lyretails aren't very picky though, they'll eat about anything.
Hi Tyler,
I've used Saltwaterfish.com several times ordering anthias including dispars.All survived the trip and all started eating right away.I just received an order two weeks ago and the temp outside was a chilly 20 degrees and all was fine.They do have an inconvenient return policy for stuff that dies.You have to send the dead fish back in a zip-lock bag with salt to preseve it.

Good Luck

BTW,Hello everyone...woohoo,my first post!I didn't see a meet and greet area,sorry.
Get along fine

Tyler I also have a Ctenochaetus Tang in my 75 It is a Tominiensis. It gets along great with the Dispars. ;)
I also think the Fire fish will help bring the Dispars out... cant wait to see some pictures after they settle in :)

The only other fish I have are a spotted rabbit fish, watchman goby, firefish, stripped cardinal, and a small kole tang. I will check that link out...thanks!
Thanks Damsel,its my Resplendent anthias.Its not my favorite anthias but its one of my best pics.They are so hard to get good pics of fish,at least for me.
I'm glad that everyone says that they can get them eating because it's a fish that I really want for my tank!
I'm getting my Dispars on Friday and was wondering if you guys would QT all of them together since I don't have 6 QT tanks to do them separately. I'm getting them from my LFS also, so they should be eating by the time I get them. Thanks.
6 in one?

Hey Tyler How big is your QT tank? Do you have some large PVC pipe pieces If they have enought room to hide and get away from any bullies I think you will be ok. I really Hope Lee will chime in here I have read they don't do to well in a small tanks less than 20 gallons over long periods of time...

I'm getting my Dispars on Friday and was wondering if you guys would QT all of them together since I don't have 6 QT tanks to do them separately. I'm getting them from my LFS also, so they should be eating by the time I get them. Thanks.
My OT tank is only 20 gallons, but the ones that I was supposed to be getting today didn't work out so I'm waiting. I might just order them online because I'm having a real hard time finding people that will get them in. So, do you think the 20 will be large enough for 6 or 7 of them? I do also have some PVC to put in there.
Well, I just ordered 7 Dispars off of saltwater.com...which is a first for me. I hope that they come to me alive and healthy. I've only heard good stuff about them. Should I drip acclimate them and QT them or just drip? They only recommend the drip, but with such a picky fish?


I've heard some cases of ich on fish from SWF but the overall condition is usually pretty good, especially with that good of a price.

What size tank are you thinking of QT'ing them in?

PM me if any Q's about doing it.
I think you should be find having all 6 in a 20g. QT.I done as much as 5 anthias(3 dispar,2 evansi).Definitely drip acclimate them,they are anthias after all.Another wise thing to do is pick up some PraziPro and de-wormed them.Internal/external parasites is very common with wild caught fish especially anthias.I Qt for a minimum of a month,1-2 weeks if its coming from Live Aquaria's Divers Den.

Good luck.,they are beautiful fish.
tdgates10, to answer your question from your PM, I would do the following. Since you have 7 fish, especially ones that have a lot of energy to expend, I would at least get a 40G tank. PetCo sells them for relatively cheap, and you can always use an extra tank. If you can find a better deal on a bigger one, do it. Especially with 7 fish. Normally, Lee recommends doing one fish per tank while in QT. In this case, its a little different seeing as how you ordered 7. If you can set up 7 10G tanks, more power to ya. If not, get a single big one. I would say you could actually split the group up, but while being in QT for at least 8 weeks, you'll most likely see males come forth out of each group, then when you went to add them, you'd have males fighting :mad:. I guess in this case it will be an exception of some sorts.

So, to cap off, do the following:
1. 40B or bigger - check this forum, craigslist.com, newspaper adds, etc.
2. Use PVC in the QT tank for them to hide in.
3. Give the tank in a Med-Low light
4. Put it in an area where you spend a lot of time. Sort of a high traffic area (keep reading, it'll make sense). Anthias are VERY shy in the beginning, especially dispars. Reason I'm saying high traffic is because by the END of the QT, you'll want the fish to be able to "recognize" you, and not be so freaked out by some sort of movement outside the tank. Mine used to hide if I was less than 10ft from the tank :cry:. Get a dark colored sheet, and hang it around the edges of the tank, so that only the top-down view will be visible. This way you can feed them, and the tank will still get some lighting. Leave it like this for about a week to a week and a half. Check on them if you like, but don't do it too often in the first week. You will need to remove it for siphoning excess foods, wastes, etc. After a while, you can take the sheet off, but do your best to keep your traffic to a minimum, or move a little slower while you do whatever it is you do around the tank. Increase the activity a little more each 5-7 days and they'll be used to you and whoever is around the tank in no time. I learned this from a guy who keeps some of the most finicky anthias.
5. Get a plastic sponge filter and put it in your sump/dt. The return section of a sump is good for this. Leave it there for as long as you can. Then, when the fish come, it will be "seeded" with bacteria that break down wastes. The bigger sponge the better.
6. Unfortunately for you, this is undoubtedly going to "shock" your QT tank. Your going to have to do large (50-70%) water changes, every other day. If not daily. You'll have to keep a REALLY close eye on Ammonia, Nitrites, and Nitrates. Any time any of the first two start to go up, do a water change. Try and keep the 3rd one down below 50ppm if you can. Things like siphoning out fish wastes and uneaten foods will greatly keep these levels down.
7. Aggression - Seeing as how Anthias have a "picking" order, you're going to see some aggression. One, maybe two of the group will keep the others in check. Chase them a little, try and chase its own reflection, etc. The most dominant will end up being a male; that is, if they send you all females (hopefully). Before the end of the QT, you'll most likely see one that looks different from the rest in terms of color, size, fin shape, etc.

8. 360reefer has another good point. You should always deworm your new additions. I couldn't believe that fish that are imported in this trade have a 40%+ chance of having some sort of intestinal worms. Get some PraziPro like 360 said and treat the tank. If you like, get some of THIS food and feed it to them while they're in QT. It will most likely be more effective than treating the entire tank with PraziPro. Just be sure you feed them enough before you start the dewormers, so that they have some "storage" fats to rely on, as this food is not very nutritious, IIRC.

Feeding Directions: Gently spread food over water surface so that it floats. Feed exclusively for 3 consecutive days a week for 4 weeks. Do not use other foods during these 3-day periods. Feed as much as the fish will eat 1 or 2 times daily. May be used with external water treatments, antibiotic/fungal or anti-parasitic treatments. For scavengers and small fish, crush pellets to desired size.

9. Carbon - Run it, get a hang on back filter, bigger the better, and stuff that bad boy with carbon. Change it weekly, if not more. Don't skimp out on this, it helps absorb Ammonia, Nitrites, and Nitrates.

Lastly, if you have any problems getting them to eat, go talk to Kevin Pockell at Aquatic Dreams. He's got experience with getting anthias to eat, maybe he can give advice.
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