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Well-known member
Feb 26, 2012
Tacoma, WA
So I got this system working and now one less thing for me to worry about while I'm gone on vacation. I spent maybe 20 minutes cutting and welding the acrylic together and another 10 on wiring. I didn't have time to order a cheap china switch so I ran up to Grainger and got one that would be a little more reliable for $12. Here is a little video of it while testing. My container I'll put in the corner will be 30 gallon. Thoughts?

That looks good
Are you going to add another switch as a back up?? Just in case??? Something may cause the main switch to fail.
I run two switches, that are plugged into a timer. The timer turns on 4 times a day for 60 sec. Then it turns the whole Ato system off. At the most the pump will only add 60 sec worth of water to the system. That is A LOT less than 30 gal if the switch was to fail.
I never thought about the timmer system but I will look into it. Right now for the next 30 days it will only be running 1 switch. After I get back from Ohio Ill change it and add another switch. I have a buddy who eill be checking the tank everyday but things can still go crazy. Im hoping for the best.