DIY Fish Feeder

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Dec 20, 2004
Saint Augustine, Florida
I built this years you can see it works great. All it is a discared pill bottle with two holes drilled into the cap and the bottom cut off. I had some scrap plastic and I made a holder so it could be set on top of the tank and hang the bottle in without having the fish knocking it into the tank as they fed. The black handle is for weight to keep it from being knocked off as they feed.

I drop dry food, wetted down with amino acids, and frozen food directly into the holder cup and allow it to slowly flow out as it melts. The butterfly gets his beak directly up the cap 3/16" holes to feed and he remains fat. Food never hits the bottom or goes over the over flow.
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Do you know how long it would take and how many would need to be sold to recoup the $20,000 to $30,000 grand to get a patent? I have a half dozen patents.

Well then in that case, just make um and sell um here on RF!(LOL) It's a cool idea though. I've only ever used one of the feeding cones which doesn't allow flakes to get through it. I just added your picture of your butterfly feeding to the thread, "Who says you shouldn't add copper" You are the only evidence so fay that they eat(LOL)
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That is a great feeder.How do you attach it to the tank?
bmtpfgh said:
That is a great feeder.How do you attach it to the tank?

It doesn't attach. It is not permanent. The handle just rests on top of the tank and the cup hangs. That is why the handle is so heavy. The weight keeps it from being knocked around as the fish attack it getting the food. Any kind of handle could be made for it, even suction cups to hold it in place, with a little thought.
Thanks for the explanation.You gave me a few ideas I'll try out tomorrow.
That is a cool trick, and it definately works good, look at how fat your clowns are! Ok off to the bathroom...