Diy frag magnet plug/holders

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Dec 15, 2003
Tacoma, WA
Here is a quick easy. I've been making these for a long time and showed someone on RC and now the idea is being sold. So here is a easy way to make them yourself.

Magnets: Rare earth from a hobby store .25 ea
Media: Schuran calcium reactor media $5 3lbs
Glue/ sealer: Any 5 minute epoxy $3 ea

I like the schuran media for this. I think its dead digitata so it very brittle, makes it much easier to snap of if you want. The dime size magnets will do just fine for most tanks since corals have no weight under water.
Simply mix the epoxy and coat the magnet front, back and sides. Add more epoxy and stick in the dead coral. After its dry brush on another coat of epoxy. Thats it your done.
Ive had a few of these in my tank for over a year and there has never been any signs of rust from the magnet, so no worries.
When its time to move the coral to its permanent home just snap off the dead coral not the living one.

so do you mount the coral on the schuran?


Yes, just superglue to the media. I like the long one because when it time to move it down to the rock, you can just stick the media in a hole. I stick them to the back of my tank so no shelf or glue needed. You can move them around at will. Need more light? Just move it up without stressing the coral frag.

Here is what i did

I simply took a piece of acrylic that was a tiny bit thicker than the magnets i was using.....then drill holes in it big enough for the magnet to fit in.

Then i glued (Weld-on #16)two really thin walls of acrylic to each side, and cut the safely sealed magnets out of the sheet. : )

I wouldnt trust a magnet that wasnt VERY much safely sealed in my sounds as though Don hasnt had any issues though..........just the same there is no way this will leak

i then shaped and covered it in aragonite using epoxy...

They are just as strong as the large size retail "Fragmags" by aquamag. For about $1.50 total apiece instead of $6.

I tried several different ways before i came up with this one. I also enclosed them in a pvc cap and plug which also was a bulletproof way to seal the magnet from saltwater, and i covered it with epoxy. But i like the acrylic casing method the best becasue it by default sits perfectly flat on your tanks walls and wont scratch it when you slide it

that last pic is a 1 lb rock hanging using 4 of them..........and on the side in that same pic is one of my first ones i made using pvc cap and plug to safely encase the magnet. I did the 1 lb rock as i plan on getting this huge hydnophora i have away from everything else to make some room..havent done it yet though





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those are sweet! I would say either way would work great!, Dons way is just cheaper and I think just as safe, its the same principal as powerheads, they are filled with epoxy to keep from getting stray currents..

Great work guys..

i used my old mag float as a frag holder its quiet big and only has a small head of glabrescen from a colony that pherised but one day im sure it will take up the whole mag float