DIY LED build - help needed

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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2007
Hello Reefers,

So, I have decided to build an led set up for my tank. My main concern is cost. I have been doing a ton of research but I'm not entirely sure what I want to do and i'm finding there is a lot of different opinions. I thought before i go spending hundreds i should ask here.

What i want to accomplish.

I have a 55 gallon tank. Its 48 inches across and 24 inches deep. I want to be able to grow both soft and hard corals. maybe clams if I ever get around to buying one.
I want to keep my build if possible under 280$, i feel this is possible.

Questions I have that I cant seem to answer.
How many LEDs will i need over my tank in order to make sure that everything is covered? What should my set up look like for even distribution.

I was thinking that 24 leds might be enough. Cree. This is the kit i was thinking about buying.
24 Ultra Premium LED DIY Kit with Dimmable Drivers

I was thinking this build guild might work perfect for my needs.
I dont know if that is enough light or to much...

If i do go with this guild what should my optics be? and how high should i put them off the tank.

This is all i have for starters... ill check back tonight to see if you guys have any pointers. I was thinking maybe someone might have done this build some time recent and maybe found an even cheaper way to do it.

Thanks for your time.
Hey Darklight, IMO the 36pc kit would be better for your needs if you plan on keeping higher light demanding corals. On my 125g (60x24x20) I started with the 48 Ultra Premium kit and added to it for a total of 82 3 watt LED's this also allowed me to mix in a broader spectrum of chips. I'll be using 3 different whites (6500k, 8k, 10k) 3 blues (445-455nm, 450-465nm, 465-485nm), Cyan (500-510nm) and Red (625nm). For your application you could also mix it up a little and give yourself three circuits to ramp up/ down for dawn/dusk having 1st and last circuit leaning more towards blue/actinic and mid circuit on the white side. Good luck with the build and be sure to check out/ follow both Cesars and Floyds builds and ideas on this subject.

Cheers, Todd
thank you for the input. I would love to take a look at cesars and floyds builds.. i cant seem to locate them... would you have a link to their postings?