DIY Light Fixture for 180g tank

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Active member
Jan 17, 2006
Jersey Shore
Here are some pics I took while building my light fixture.The fixture is made from two electrical panel back boxes, way too heavy duty but free. Hope you enjoy.

3-250w halides 1200k sunburst
2-VHO 6'
4-LED moonlights(fancy name for blue LED's)
Ice Cap thermally controlled cooling fans
Ice Cap HQI Ballasts
Ice Cap 660 VHO Ballast
Appliance timers

cooling fans ,one on each end.
mounting ballasts
power strip rewired to provide two sep. timed circuits for LED's/Cooling fans
Each ballast wired to it's own disconnect.
First Spider Light reflector/mogul base mounted
All reflectors and bases mounted, along with VHO endcaps.
Two of four LED's mounted and tested
Power strip wiring complted.
VHO's mounted above metal studs lined with reflective vinyl as reflectors.Glass mounted with tool dipped L-brackets on thick foam weatherstrip.
It's alive!!!!
wELL Im definatly impressed. Can i ask where you got your DIY Kit from? it looks great, how about a fish room shot
Hey thanks, it is not a kit, I ordered everything seperately from the rest of the stuff was aquired locally from Home Depot/Lowes and the local glass shop. The back boxes are really way too heavy for the project but like i said they were free so you know how that goes. You could build a similar design with ply wood but I would use Marine grade or MDO....for moisture issues. I only wish the boxes were more narrow, but it seems to be lighting the tank just fine even for sps and clams. Any questions are welcome....PM me if you like. Ill get you some tank room shots.
Can you take a shot when just your moon lights are on and once again that looks pretty sharp, ill be over on tuesday to pick it up
Nice work, looks very safe.

Good thinking with the use of the electrical boxes, exellent and cost effective option.

I like the fish room behind the tank, that must be really nice to have a dedicated place to get to work on the tanks. One day if I can ever move out of my tiny appartment I would love to do something nice like that.
That tank is the coolest tank I have ever seen.

I'm going to VA to tuna fish next week; I'll stop by on my way to check it out.

FYI, yes I did just invite myself over your house. LOL.

Did you save $? As far as electronics are concerned what else is required besides bulbs, wiring, ballasts, fixtures, and reflectors?
Gotta love when stuff is free!! The fixture is def cool. I am in the process of designing lights for the 125 although I just checked on a 180 with a cracked bottom. Can be fixed easy enough just checking on a price for the lower glass to see if it is worth it. Wait as I wipe my Drool. Gotta love the space behind the tank - I would not give it up now - My wife talked me into putting the tanks in the wall - plenty of space behind to play.
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