DIY OVERFLOW (I think im on to somtin')

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Feb 27, 2005
S.Dakota (1 LFS)
Hey guess good news and bad, the bad.... the lights are way to expensive to start a Reef for me (with everything else) so ill only be doin a simple fish only with live rock set-up. Now the good news, i need the expertise of the site but i had a vision last night, before i tell you, let me start out by tellin you about me, im a FW freak and always had them, just now am feelin ready to start my first SW (20pages into Cons.Mar.Aqua) and i just traded for a 90g that will become my SW, well i was added up all the stuff needed to convert and drawin up plans for the stand an sump and got this vision! (finally huh) anyways do you think that you could convert a FW emperor filter HOB into an overflow? obv. just drill out the bottom and creat a PVC tunnel to the sump? Seem to be a hell out alot cheaper/easier then payin $100 for a syphon contrap. and if the thing clogged, the water would pore back like it was intended? Make sense, lets here some expertise????
Hmmm....I don't see why it wouldn't work. I don't know what size plumbing you would have to have in order for it to work effectively. I suppose it depends on the return pump. Here's a bump....
I don't think that it is the greatest idea. A overflow is meant to skim the top of your water, where the power filter takes water in from 6" down or so. Plus you would have a pump on the filter pumping water out of your tank, then the pump on your sump returning water to the tank. It is impossable to permanately balance these pumps and will result in a flood. The very best option since the tank is not setup is to have it drilled in the back or bottom. It should cost about 30 or so dollars, then you can just set it up to have a pipe going up to the surface to set the water level, or you can build your own overflow from glass or plexi that can sit in the corner, middle or both corners to skim the top. You can seriously do this for very little money. I will help you if you have any questions, but I am off to bed for now:cool:
I'd have to go with Tom on this one. I think that would be a recipe for disaster. Check around. I've seen overflows in the sale forum for $20-$40. They come up now and again when people upgrade to a drilled tank.

Why not run the system without a sump until you can get the money together to do it right? It is not necessary to have a sump to have a top notch system. Get a CPR bac-pac skimmer (you can find them used for next to nothing) and put some powerheads in for flow...that's about it. If you run the bac-pac you can put the heater in on open side of it to keep it out of view, but still in flow. Works great...I've used this method for almost 4 years now. Keep it simple whenever possible.
Reed, and Tom are giving you good advice. There are plans out for DIY overflows, and you wont lose the use of your emperor filter. A bac pac skimmer, and a emperor 400 with the bio wheels removed will do great for you.
I agree just ask if anyone is selling an overflow and be patient and get the size you need> :) Remember cpr types can be connected to a power filter or pump in the sump to keep the air out and keep things working right should the power go off so no overflowing occurs also get 2 drains so if one gets clogged it will still work hope that helps:)
Here is my DIY overflow:

Keep in mind that this is on my wife's turtle tank. That may help explain why the water level is as low as it is.

I changed a couple of things though the photos show before and after they were changed.

I'd say this is your cheapest overflow and it works very well.
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it might not be as crazy as you would think. on an old 55 i had starting out I used a hang on back filter w/ a siphon tube. most hob filters have a seperate compartment for the pump in which the water overflows to. So you dont lose prime. If not a plexi partition is easy to make and install with some sealer. if the pump part of the filter is big enough to put in a bulkhead fitting , it could work and did work for me. i cut down the long end of the siphon tube and cut the bottom off of a half gallon milk jug serated the edges and it worked well for a skimmer box. I used suction cups off of a power head to hold it to the back of the tank. i am sure acrylic would have worked better or looked nicer but what did i know.... later on when i could afford a real set up, i got one. i remember starting my fowlr some years ago and money was always an issue. I tried to make whatever i could that i couldnt afford to buy. not always with the best success but also surprised myself how well other things did work. im sure if you had another hob filter you could use that as a skimmer box. just square and serate the top and attatch it to the tank use a siphon tube shaped pretty close like a "u". ther will be no pump in the filter only the sump for returns. good luck :D