diy plans question on cannister filter

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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2007
so i have read alot of negative thoughts about using a canister filter within our reef tanks. what i would like to do would best be accomplished using one though.

i have a 10 gallon reef tank that has been diong well for a little over a year now (i know still young). i would like to either use a 20 long or possibly a bowfront type tank for a little more room and a new setup. im thinking about drilling the bottom of the tank and having it run into a rena xp3 canister filter and then back out to the tank. i will also be making a corner overflow running a maxi 900 return. there will be no skimmer and 175w metal halide.

one thing i have been very good at is the consistincy in which i clean tank and parts. on weekly basis i do a water change and scrup all equipment i believe this accounts for most of the success that i have experienced. im wondering that as long as i keep my maintanence scheduel up whether or not i will have a problem using the xp3.

i am planning on just adding some small live rock chunks some chateo and possibly running carbon once in awhile.

Don W i have read some information that you have posted and am wondering if you can help me out in figuring this out. from what i understand the canister filter is giong to create unwanted nitrated do to the lack of oxegen getting into the canister. would this not be the same for say the rear compartments of an aquapod all the dietrus and what not that collects at the bottom. or is that fact that the surface of the water being i contact with area stop the nitrate issues. and finnally will weekly cleaning on such a small reef tank (nano) help any issues from arrising.

I ended up running my XP3 as a media reactor (po4 and carbon)
Must be cleaned frequently, it likes to build up junk.

how often do you have to clean it. what size is your tank and what type a bio load do you have. and thanks for the reply.

i really wanna use this idea for my new nano tank but since i will be drilling the bottom im just trying to make sure it wont end up bieng a negative thing.

all sugestions or thoughts welcome and appreciated.

thanks jag

im thinking about drilling the bottom of the tank and having it run into a rena xp3 canister filter and then back out to the tank. i will also be making a corner overflow running a maxi 900 return. there will be no skimmer and 175w metal halide.

from what i understand the canister filter is giong to create unwanted nitrated do to the lack of oxegen getting into the canister.

You have this backwards. You get nitrates due to all the oxygenated water. If you drill the tank to feed the filter you will need to feed it with a stand pipe. If you try to used just the valve to stop the flow for servicing your going to have a mess. If you feed it with a stand pipe your going to feed it to much air and will have cavitation problems unless you get a gate valve that can fine tune the stand pipe and convert it to a siphon pipe. The "Herbie method is a good example of how to do this, except you will not need the back-up drain.


thanks for the explanation don. always interested in learning more from all u guys that have been through it before, question as far as the standpipe goes i was thinking that i would have the input right above the level of the sand so that it would be down quite a ways from the surface. i think this should stop most the problems you had mentioned(i hope). it seems that once the xp is primed because there would be no air that there would be no problems or am i way off here????? kinda the same idea as a closed loop

thank jag
thanks for the explanation don. always interested in learning more from all u guys that have been through it before, question as far as the standpipe goes i was thinking that i would have the input right above the level of the sand so that it would be down quite a ways from the surface. i think this should stop most the problems you had mentioned(i hope). it seems that once the xp is primed because there would be no air that there would be no problems or am i way off here????? kinda the same idea as a closed loop

thank jag

No you are correct there but you will have to service that filter weekly. The valves are not going to last long and will need to be replaced on a regular basis. One day you will go to service it, turn of the valve and the water will just keep flowing right onto the floor, Murphy's law.:)

I have a xp4 on a 125 gallon. We set it up in November and just cleaned the filters for the first time. It keeps the water nice and clear. Id say go for it. Its worked great for us so far.
murphys law

i think what i might do is plum in some ball valves before it goes to the canister filter to help with the valve problems that are unevidible due to murphys law:). thanks for taking the time to expain.
