DIY skimmer

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Jan 17, 2005
I am planning to make a plan for new skimmer.
Can you tell me what in skimmer design is most important to get better output and high performance skimmer.
As I look for H&S, GroTech, Deltec, Royal and others there are different idea to the size of skimage chamber, height and diameter of tube in collection cup.. There is also differences in water delivery into skimmer. Royal use their internal cylinder with holes, others almost nothing..

As I thinking I would need:
- about 20" height of reaction chamber for the bubbles with diameter of 7"
- internal cylinder similar like on Royal skimmers
- a good impeller pump such as AquaBee UP 3000 or AquaBee UP5000
- ??

Without going into the many technical and trial and error construction techniques used in skimmers its best to closely follow a commercial proven skimmer like the deltec 850.....very simple construction if you have access to good acrylic tubes/pipework etc.

The problem with DIY skimmers is unless you fully understand the ins and outs governing their efficiency you could end up making an expensive mistake.

If you follow the design of say a deltec skimmer water in at the top, out at the bottom....bubble generating pin wheel pumps near the bottom could quite easily scale it up or down providing you understand the pumps/pressures, correct water flow etc etc etc

Heres the link to their webpage contains lots of useful ideas and PDF diagrams of their skimmers complete with pumps used may give you some ideas.

As for a reaction chamber 20in by 7in wide, given the correct flow that skimmer could be usefull for anything between 50-200 gals if made right.....what size is your tank?

in the meantime:
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Yes I have look for Deltec skimmers before and many others of course. :p

Can anyone explain me what is better (for inner rising foam tube in collecting cup) to be simply tube or it is better shape like cone or something what is like uses AquaMedic on their skimmers? :confused:

As I read and study their skimmers shape of the rising tube I got impression that foam with bigger bubbles is rising higher like in standard tube with same diameter at the beginning of rising tube and at the top of tube?? :cry: :idea:

But on others skimmers like Euroreef, Royal exclusive, Deltec, H&S or Grotech rising tube is normal tube with same diameter on both sides..??

And at the end.. Can you explain how to determine the right height for rising tube? :confused:
I have a question about making a skimmer, this will probably help "Foam" as well.

Where can the average joe buy a needle impeller, pin wheel, etc... I like the Euro Reef skimmer but would like to make one. I know that Euro Reef uses the Dolphin pumps but they will not sell you an impeller.
you can actually order the needle wheel impellers and the whole sedra needle
wheel pump from any local fish store who orders from sea dwelling creatures,
which is most of them. i work at salt water city and we carry sedra 3500's in stock, we can order any size pump or needle wheel, but prepare yourself for sticker shock!!! :eek: