DIY stuff i made

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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dont get it
Oct 21, 2004
puyallup , tacoma
i just wanted to share what i made ,. with all you help.

one is my air driven skimmer , i used a General hydrophonics air pump, and i am curantly usesing crappy air stones five of them ,till i can find good one s or use someones drill press, and make my own.
i did not think it was working, but when i started up my fluidizde bed it pulled up so much mico carbons out the water,
now it pulls up a cup of scum a day or so.

and the second is haf my reef / fish room ill post the other haf
that big white thing is my diy sump made from wood and amber lock.
its 24 -72-24 with a 4f refugum and sand bed, soon ill get some mangos.
i orderd lighting but im waiting for it to come.
and the and then i got 4 55gallons tanks for fish and holding

thanks for all the help
ps most of my stuff looks like frankinstine, :eek:
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