Does my clam have pinched mantle?

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looks like it may be starting PM and in a couple of areas. Do you run carbon?? If not I'd get some and get it running in there. This may help some for the time being. Before it is easier to tell if this is definitely PM. This is the clam under the low lighting isn't it??
Yes but its high up in the tank. But i've stopped running carbon about a week ago so thats probably it
but with clams and in particular crocea clams it's not how high they are under the lighting or from the water surface. It's the intensity of the lighting. These particualr clams have got to have that intense lighting to thrive on. Otherwise they will slowly starve to death. Intense lighting equals halide lighting.
Yes when I turn off my lights I can see it alot better. He does have pinched mantle. How do I go about doing a fw dip?
i wouldnt jump into doing dips yet. can you take a few more clear photos of the clam from different angles. it also looks like there is an apitasia on the back of the clam, is there?
you can boil some ro water and turkey bast it or mix some kalk. and ro water and use a syringe to slowly shoot over the aiptaisia, if thats what it is. Lemon juice will also work used with a syringe.
tHANKS, but my concern is my clam how long should i dip it for

im not convinced yet that its pinched mantle, can you post clear photos of the clam from a few different angles.

the apitasia on the shell can sting the mantle making it curl up, and i think that might be what you are seeing.
tHANKS, but my concern is my clam how long should i dip it for

You should'nt dip it at all. That is a very bright crocea, its extending its mantle in attempts to get light. Its also expending enerey on closing its shell because its stressed for one reason or another.
If you had the proper conditions to keep this animal I would concider alternative methods like dipping. Since you do not I would do nothing or find him a home.
