Does RO water go bad?

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010
Redmond, WA
Can RO water go bad? If I was to fill up my ATO canister but it has no lid is that bad? It's inside an enclosed cabinet.
i been wondering the same thing.
hope you dont mind this but its along the same line. but can mixed RO salt water go bad as well? ill fill my 35gallon can and let it sit for two or three days and theres a brown slime in it. SOMEONE HELP US
Why you got to be jumping in on my thread? You trying to build up your post? haha.

I just finished putting up my 30G cube and I am trying to keep things easy with the new business coming along.
Well, it's ideal if you mix salt for a few days to make sure it's fully dissolved, so that shouldn't be an issue. Be sure to clean out the container once in a while. RO might gain contaminants, so test it if you're unsure. Otherwise you can keep it for long periods.
A portable TDS meter will give you the answer you are looking for , they are about $24.99 and battery powered.
A portable TDS meter will give you the answer you are looking for , they are about $24.99 and battery powered.

saw one at your shop just last month reminds me I need to get back up there to pick it up...

Even with a lid on our salt bucket cat fur and other nameless things gets into the bucket, but it isn't in a cabinet (pretty sure the cat sleeps on top of the salt bucket when we are not around). I guess the best advice I have is to keep the water moving with a powerhead to keep if from getting stagnet and growing algae.
RO water can't go bad if sealed. What can happen is your RO container can leach chemicals back in to your water if it is not made of "food safe" plastic. Also, if you leave your ATO uncovered, then yes, I am sure you can get contaminants that will blow in and begin to grow bacteria since the water isn't moving. It is best to keep your top off water sealed IMO.

Mixed RO saltwater should be kept moving because of PH. If you leave your saltwater sitting without aeration, then the PH will plummet. You will want to re-aerate it before adding it to your aquarium.
Unless your saltwater is receiving light, then it shouldn't be growing algae. The brown slimy residue that is left over is a result of all the bacteria from the freshly mixed saltwater. The cleaner your salt mix, the less brown residue you'll get. You should wipe it down each time you make new water.
i store 45g of heated aerated circulated rodi water all the time, If u dont have a lid u need to get one Right away.. Im using a Rubbermaid container for lowes of target