RO water can't go bad if sealed. What can happen is your RO container can leach chemicals back in to your water if it is not made of "food safe" plastic. Also, if you leave your ATO uncovered, then yes, I am sure you can get contaminants that will blow in and begin to grow bacteria since the water isn't moving. It is best to keep your top off water sealed IMO.
Mixed RO saltwater should be kept moving because of PH. If you leave your saltwater sitting without aeration, then the PH will plummet. You will want to re-aerate it before adding it to your aquarium.
Unless your saltwater is receiving light, then it shouldn't be growing algae. The brown slimy residue that is left over is a result of all the bacteria from the freshly mixed saltwater. The cleaner your salt mix, the less brown residue you'll get. You should wipe it down each time you make new water.