Does this guy look healthy?

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Well-known member
May 16, 2006
Hi all,

I recently bought this Crocea clam about 2 months ago. I've got it under daul 250w 10k lights in my 75g. He's sitting just off the sand bed on a piece of live rock. The flow is moderate where he's at. Does he look healthy from this pic?


Now someone had said the openning was too big. Just take into account that this image is a macro shot and is very close up. The openning is probably 2 inches long.

It doesn't look like it's gaping to me. Take a book or some solid object and move it between your MH's and the clam and see how quick it closes.
your Crocea looks fine to me. Croceas tend to hold there in-current syphons open(what some people call gaping, but isnt truly gaping) more then the other clams. look good, IMO no worries
cool. is it necessary for me to feed phyto or will he be fine with the lights and filtering the diatoms/algae that free floats in the water?

One other thing, I upgraded skimmers this week from a Remora to an asm g2. It pulled out a lot of crap from the water the first day i had it plugged in. Today, all the corals seem to be bigger, more open and lush including the clam. I'm not sure it's because of the skimmer or not but i want to think it is. My question is...if a clam extends it's leaves (?) out that a good sign?
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Here's a better pic i recently took. I think it's doing just fine as well.
