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I purchased about 100 of the same snail on ebay about 8 months ago. I split them up between 3 tanks. In 2 tanks, they're all still alive. In one tank, they lived for quite some time and then all died off within about 6 days. I don't think it had anything to do with the snails. Keep in mind that Nassarius snails really aren't algae eaters. They're great at sifting sand and eating detritus. They will occasionally eat algae but that's not their principle diet. They're mainly carnivores. There's also 2 species being sold a lot on ebay. One is from tropical areas and great for reef tanks, the other is from more temperate climates and won't live long in a reef tank. It's hard to say which these are. For that price, I don't think you can really go wrong though.
Ditto returnofsid

If you're looking for algae eating snails...look elsewhere these guys won't cut the mustard for ya!:)
Stir the sand well but most seemed to die off after about a year.
Most of the snails you find on ebay are temperate water snails and are collected around the US and Mexico. They come from cooler water and do not do well in reef aquariums.

Don, what is your favorite grazer?

Tangs and urchins:) I do restock astrea snails. Once a year 1 buy 100 from indoor reef. Not really because I think they do any good, they starve to death. I just like lots of snails and tiny stars all over the tank.:) I know bad snail keeper, dont call the snail police.

I do keep some nassarius in my tanks for sand sifting. As I mentioned above, I purchased some on ebay about 8 or 9 months ago. Surprisingly, most of them are still alive and well. I put probably 20 of them in my lil' 10 gallon pod tank. There's well over 20 in there now. The ones in my 46 all died off for some strange reason about 5 months ago. I have some of them in my 75 that I transferred from my 29 when I changed it over. They're still going strong...which REALLY surprises me because I'm pretty sure, due to the price I paid for them, that they're the temperate species.

I also keep a few Turbos, some Cerith and some Astreas.
i got my snails in on friday and i ordered them on tuesday. But i ordered 50 snails and i received 65 snails and i got 0% dead lol. They havent died yet so cool. Just to let everybody know. later.