dood... my rainbow monti:(

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flea whisperer
Oct 5, 2004
Well i finally decided to cut a little piece of the frag plug my rainbow monti came in since i wanted to see if i could place it somewhere farther away from my kenya trees.
well ... stupidity got the best out of me :(, i used the hack saw (or whatever the heck is called) to cut the thing, but it's so so hard to cut them that i hurt my monti :cry: and now it seems like it has a little bit of white spots at the edge, it's not huge and it seems like there's polyps (sorry i don't know if the polyps should be there or not :p).
would it be ok? would i need to frag it? i don't wanna hurt it anymore( just when it was starting to do good ... my anxiety had to take over :rolleyes::doubt:), if i need to frag it, how do i do that? i have never frag an sps :oops:.

thank you doods.
You want to know a quick way to get your SPS off of plugs without having to cut or break the plug?? ;)

Get one of those small flat blade screwdrivers, kinda like eye glass screw drivers. Lay that plug on its side. Take that screw driver and put it right under the frag. Now take one of those little hammers that woodworkers use and give it a light tap.
That frag will pop right off.
Now if you let that frag grow out on that plug you will loose some of the new growth. thats why I pull it off the plug as soon as I get it.

Just a thought to save you some future troubles.

I would suggest a razor blade but I have never fragged an encrusting monti before

do you just start sliding the razor in there or how do you do it ?

Get one of those small flat blade screwdrivers, kinda like eye glass screw drivers. Lay that plug on its side. Take that screw driver and put it right under the frag. Now take one of those little hammers that woodworkers use and give it a light tap.
That frag will pop right off.
Now if you let that frag grow out on that plug you will loose some of the new growth. thats why I pull it off the plug as soon as I get it.

Just a thought to save you some future troubles.

hehe i thought about it at first but i was so afraid of hurting it that i just let it in the plug :p.... now i wish i'd have done that :rolleyes::p.

the blade screwdriver...where do i get it from? home depot? or do i have to buy it special from a fish store? :oops:
If you really get serious about SPS and want to start fragging, the right tools like any job saves headaches and helps the corals survive.

You can pick up a Dremmel rotary tool and cut thru any encrusting Monti. As you know they can get pretty thick. This tool can be used on any of your corals and will give nice clean cuts that the coral can heal quicker than jagged ones. A good Dremmel will run you about 60 bucks and if you check on line you may be able to get a bunch of free attachments.

Wear protective goggles!
If you really get serious about SPS and want to start fragging, the right tools like any job saves headaches and helps the corals survive.

You can pick up a Dremmel rotary tool and cut thru any encrusting Monti. As you know they can get pretty thick. This tool can be used on any of your corals and will give nice clean cuts that the coral can heal quicker than jagged ones. A good Dremmel will run you about 60 bucks and if you check on line you may be able to get a bunch of free attachments.

Wear protective goggles!

more than fragging i wanna make sure i didn't screw up and killed my coral, that'd totally suck :( ....i'm hoping it will get better, i seriously don't wanna have to frag it .
I will look for that dremmel though :) .

I'll try getting a pic of the coral, if it's RTN would it heal by itself? or is it necessary to always cut?

thanks doods

I so love your new sig.

thanks doodette :D ... i like it too... i'm making another one with a clam though :p:D .
Gabby, touch the injured monti as little as possible. Keep in a medium high flow area to keep it clean and keep well lit. It should heal fine. I've injured it's twin more than once.
Gabby, touch the injured monti as little as possible. Keep in a medium high flow area to keep it clean and keep well lit. It should heal fine. I've injured it's twin more than once.

thanks dood ...i was very worried ..i should have waited instead of getting all crazy about the plug :oops::( (bad gabster bad !! )