Dosing pumps Vs Calcium Reactor

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Well-known member
Oct 19, 2005

My tank is growing rather rapidly, and kalk dosing is no longer able to keep up with my alk/calc usage. I need to go with either a calcium reactor, or a 2 part dosing system. I am quite familiar with the calcium reactor, as I have used one for several years in the past, but my expereince with a two dosing pump system is limited. There were a lot of things I did not like about the calcium reactor set up though, so I have decided to look in to the merits of a 2 part system to see if it might be a better option.

Calcium reactor:
What I liked:
-little maintenance when dialed in
-Grew corals well

What I didn't like:
-media releasing phosphates
-hard to dial in and hard to adjust. So many factors are involved including getting the drip rate right, the bubble rate right, the ph in the right range as to dissolve some media, but not turn it to slush. I really found it to be a PITA to use and had some uncomfartably large sudden swings in alk that caused problems.
-possible dangerous alk swings during the setup phase.
-chronic low ph, specially in the winter when I have to close my windows.
-the drip tube would get clogged some times, causing the reactor to fill with CO2, completely dissolving the media and creating a huge mess that once again required the re-calibration of the unit.
-more power usage and noise

At the moments the dislikes seem to outweigh the likes, but I am interested in hearing the same kind of analysis from someone who currently uses a 2 pump dosing system. They seem to offer a lot more control, while using less power, and less space. How are they on the maintenance end? How often do you find yourself mixing up the 2 part solutions(i.e. how long does your storage reservoir last)? Do you need to stir up the 2 part solutions frequently, or can they sit in a storage container for weeks on end? I know with my kalk dosing pump I have to clean the lines frequently to prevent build up and clogging. Are the 2 part dosing systems prone to clogging as well?


I have only used Kalk in the past 15 years ago:) this build i will be using Kalk untill not enough then? Based on what i have read people are split with 2 part and reactor. I would like to hear some input too!
I really like the dosing pumps, I find I have to shake up the alk solution a couple of times after making a new batch, but other than that the only thing is remembering to check and refill when needed. It really is very simple, if I had a lot more SPS I imagine I would have to adjust the dosing amount more often but so far I have only had to increase it once in the year plus I have been using it. Really nice not to have to deal with the alk swings I always seemed to have using other methods.
When you talk about shaking up the solution a couple times after making a new batch, do you just mean that in the first day you need to shake it up multiple times, or do you need to keep your eye on it for multiple days? Does it then last indefinitely or does it require occasional shaking?

I just find the baking soda/sodium bicarbonate does not fully dissolve right away. I probably shake it up once a week until nothing is settling in the bottom, I also keep the tube up off of the bottom until nothing is settling.
I converted to the "Balling Light" w/heavy metals method using Fauna Marine 4 pump doser. Been on it since June. After two weeks I tuned in my true consumption rate. Alk is 430ml/day, Mag 90ml/day, Cal 120ml/day, phyto+oyster food 60ml/day. It's know wonder that the reactor couldn't keep up. My Ph actually stabalized 8.3 when the CO2 was eliminated.
I use a reactor. Dialing it in took a couple of weeks and if I notice my CA going down a simple adjustment to my Neptune controller to lower the PH in the reactor is the only ongoing changes I need to make. For me not having to top anything off and just let it run out weigh's the once a year maintenance on it.

For PH I still use a kalk wasser reactor for top-off so my PH is still around 8.35. In fact currently because of all the evaporation (fans for cooling) I've had to cut back on me adding media to the kalkwasser reactor.
I'm currently using both a Ca reactor and Kalk, but my situation is different then yours. I'm using the Kalk to boost pH since my system is in my basement and CO2 builds up in the summer with the AC blowing constantly.

Have you thought about using both to maintain your system?
I've read where some people will add vineager to their Kalk to lower the pH and allow them to add more Kalk without the increased pH issues. I've never actually spoken to anyone who has "supercharged" their kalk like that, but reading about it the process seemed interesting.

One potential issue I can see with that are the addition of nutrients from the vineager causing some issues, (never had this problem but have read of green water breakouts due to increased nutrients in the system from adding vineager...guy on RC had a pH spike and only had vineager on hand to lower it, he added the vineager and promptly had a diatom bloom in his system which took out more corals than he had lost in the pH spike...rare situation, but it did happen).

Really good input pep's i will be relying on RF for help with way's/product's i have never used. I am old school and have never seen so much product's being used in today's reefs and to be honest.....with so many reefer's selling stuff and getting out...then back in. It's hard even with today's information to know what is safe long term and what's not. I believe one part of our hobby that is not on most reefer's learn list but should be is DOC's (Dissolved Organic Compounds)?

Again thanks for sharing!