Epsom Salt not dissolving

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May 16, 2006
Spokane, Washington, United States
Okay, so I'm making up a fresh batch of supplements, using Randy Holmes recipe. I've been a little slack in testing and supplementing lately, since my work requires a lot of travel. I'll be teaching Angie how to test and supplement this weekend though. She's been great at taking care of our tanks.
I'm running into a problem though. It seems I had this problem last time as well, but not to this extent. I'm using Epsom Salt for my Magnesium supplement and using part #3B. After adding the 8 cups (64 ounces) of epsom salt to a half gallon of RO/DI water and shaking the heck out of it....then topping off my gallon container with RO/DI water...and again, shaking the heck out of it....I still have A LOT of epsom salt that's undissolved. If I had to guess, I'd say probably 3 cups are sitting in the bottom of the container. Any suggestions? Will it hurt to go ahead and use this? Should I divide it into 2 containers and add more RO/DI water until it's all dissolved? Should I use it, as is, and then add more RO/DI water as room in the container becomes available? Any help would be great!!!
It should not be an issue. What is the water temp of the water bing used ? Try it with the water at 80 F or so and a powerhead for circulation
I didn't temp the water, but it was "tepid" or luke warm, coming out of my RO/DI unit. So I figure about 95 or so. I'm mixing in a 1 gallon container and continuously shaking it. I only mix a gallon at a time so am not really sure how to incorporate a power head into the scenario. I suppose I could try slowly heating the mixture and constantly stirring to see if I can dissolve any more Epsom salt. It seems to me that it's super saturated though.
Sometimes my Sodium Bicarb will not completely dissolve in the Alk part, I just shake it each time I go to dose and add it anyways. Hasn't hurt anything. You might just leave it and shake it once in a while and it should go away. I haven't had this problem with Mg since I don't actually dose it lol.

BTW Mike, how's the tanks and everything going?

Yeah. It will dissolve on its own in a day or two. Happens to me to. I use mag chloride mostly now and don't use Epson salt much anymore but my last batch did the same thing.

I am glad to see others using the "Two Part Receipes"

Been using the Two Part for about a year now and am very pleased with it. Just as a side note, the Epsom Salt I originally started this thread about never did totally dissolve. I just shake it up, use it and it has the desired effect. Hasn't effected my dosing or results from dosing.
I had the same problem untill I started to heat the solution in a pot on the stove untill dissolved I never took a temp but always well below boiling. I actually heat all three solutions untill dissolved. My solutions end up clear when done.

Well, great idea. I have been using a funnel to put the baked HOT baking soda in the bottle first. Now, I can mix it first and then pour it in the bottle.

Never too old to learn.
