Everett Reef Noob

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Feb 14, 2012
Hello All!

I work for Boeing and my boss noticed my screen saver was of a reef tank. Of course he commented and conversations about past tanks began. He let me know of this site and the great members then helped him when he was into the hobby years ago. It was fun to find that you all are still holding it down for the northwest reefers!

For a quick intro, i have had fresh water fish tanks in my house for the past 15 years. My brother got heavy into salt water around 10 years ago, and as much as i admired his tank i just didn't have the funds to make it happen. Now in my early 30s i have a great job, and slowly entered myself into the world of reef keeping. I started with a 14g Biocube, that was somewhat frustrating. As with most new reefers, the desire to overstock was to great. Six months down the road i realized i wanted a larger canvas. Not to mention an RBTA came with a piece of rock i bought from an LFS and split in my Nano!! This was not going to work out!

So this brings me to my current project. Im just about 2 weeks in to my build and slowly getting things under control. I still need to work on Scaping and flow, but so far so good.

Here is a list of my build a few quick pics!

Tank -
Aqueon 65g and stand 36x18x25

Lighting -
Ecoxotic Panorama Pro LED Fixture 4 x 50/50 - 2 x Attinic (extra 50/50 Pano from my 14g)

Filtration -
HOB CPR Aquatic Continuous Siphon Overflow box
Eshopps ADV-100 sump
MAG 12 Return pump
Custom PVC plumbing with check and shut off valve (currently being Re-built to remove check valve and improve flow - siphon break preferred)
Koralia 2 powerhead
Koralia 425
ASM G1X Protein Skimmer

Heat -
200w Aqueon in tank
50w in sump or used when making water

Water preparation tools -
Tap water DI filter (only DI for now)
Rio 8HF circulator
32 gallon garbage can

Live Rock -
45lbs Fiji Premium Select from Live Aquaria
40lbs Florida live Rock from Gulf-View
15lbs LFS - transplant from my 14g
30lbs Live Sand
15lbs Reg Aragonite Sand
15lbs Crushed coral on the bottom layer

14g Transplants -
2x RBTA (one came on my LFS rock and split in my 14g)
2" flame Hawk
3" Lawnmower Blenny
Coral Banded Shrimp
Large Emerald Crab

IMG_0627 by nitex08, on Flickr

IMG_0623 by nitex08, on Flickr

IMG_7744 by nitex08, on Flickr

IMG_0624 by nitex08, on Flickr

IMG_7724 by nitex08, on Flickr

IMG_7733 by nitex08, on Flickr

IMG_7749 by nitex08, on Flickr

IMG_7731 by nitex08, on Flickr

IMG_7732 by nitex08, on Flickr
Wow, you are off to a great start. Welcome to Reef Frontiers. Glad you found us. You will have to check out the clubs. North Sound Reefers Group is a great bunch of people in the north sound area.

Those itty bitty RBTA's are sooooo cute. So tiny.

Keep us posted on your progress on the new tank.

I know how it is needing more space. Everyone will tell you, I am addicted and a little crazy with 6+ tanks. Newest one in progress is a 180.
Nice to have you on board, :welcome: to Reef Frontiers. Looks like your off to a good start and to keep you on track there are many members here in the area to assist if needed. Also check out our local Northend club North Sound Reefers in the Club Forums you are more than welcome to join in.

Cheers, Todd
Thanks for such a fast reply! I had some good advice from my brother and took what i could from the different LFS shop keepers (all seem to have somewhat differing opinions).

I would love to check out a few clubs, hear from the real pro's, and drool over your tanks : )

Hahah yeah my RBTA is funny! Almost like a lovers quarrel, while in my 14g it split and lived on opposite side of the rocks. Now after the transfer they are hanging out together once again. I guess it could have been unhappy in my 14g, i know i would have been!

Thanks once again and you can bet ill be around. This tank, and the un-avoidable next larger one must succeed!
Yeah, sometimes everyone will have a different opinion and I too, took info from each of them and worked with what worked best for me. There are different ways of obtaining the same results and as long as it works for you its not the wrong way. I am sure there are easier ways of doing things I am doing, but cost and space is an issue. I would love to be able to have a room just for filtration and tank maint and water storage. And a 3000 gal tank. And the addiction lives on.....
Welcome to RF!! :welcome:. One of our old admins works at Boeing!

Very nice tank! :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks to all that welcomed me to the forum!

As an update i did some water test last night and was high on all params (tested at the LFS). Ammonia was heading from light green to dark green (forgot PPM #s), Nitrite was almost dark purple, and Nitrate was orangeish (not to alarming).

I did a 25 gallon water change and added upto 250 gallon dose of Purigen.

I will retest with my new ELOS test kits later tonight.

Any future updates will be on a new "Build Thread" unless an admin wants to transfer this one and i can continue to update it!

Thanks again everyone!