Exactly what coral will they nip ?

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Active member
Dec 20, 2006
Central New York
Since I am in the planning stages (as well as reading & researching), I pretty much know what fishes I want to put in my future tank. The one thing I'm concerned about are dwarf angelfish. Exactly what corals do they tend to nip at ? I have been eyeing either a Coral Beauty, Lemonpeel or the Heraldi angelfish. I do like the Flame but I've heard that they somewhat don't ship well.

I am planning on having some zoas, mushrooms, xenias and maybe a candy cane coral (pending). Pretty much they will be beginner corals. Will dwarf angels nip on those ?

My fish wish list for future tank :
a pair of Ocellaris clowns (1 orange and 1 B&W)
Lawnmower Blenny
Royal Gramma
Dwarf Angelfish - 1

Tank will be 46G BF.
I had a well fed coral beauty that I kept for years with my soft corals and shrooms with no problem. After adding some xenia, it developed a taste. After eating all that, it moved on and finished off the Kenya and then started nipping at the leathers and all meaty corals. Also nipped at the shrooms. Traded it off.
Anything and everything is potentially at risk with an angel. There simply is no way of saying one will and one won't. The best your going to get is which is the least likely but as Mike points out, years of behaving can do a 180 without warning.

I would also suggest you reconsider the lawnmower, tanks a bit small.
Well that is interesting regarding the lawnmower blenny. I did have an eye on a Bi-color blenny as well but will read up more on them further. Clown gobies also seem to be on my fish wish list as well. It's true that one cannot say whether the angel will or will not nip the corals. Which is why I asked about it. LOL !!

I had someone recommend a Bristletooth Tang due to their small size but I'm not too sure they would be good or not due to their swimming nature and recommended tank size. Lavender Tang was one he suggested to me.
A tang of any species would be a poor choice for a 46 gal bow, nix that idea all together. The BiColor blenny would be fine though. Clown goby will be hit and miss, I would suggest a Citron (Gobiodon citrinus) instead. Much better success rate. Keep in mind that either could irritate corals to some degree dependent on species.
Thank God my heart was telling me the tang would not be suitable for 46G when this person first recommended me about them. Whew ! I had looked into the Citron Goby as well. They are an attractive little fish.