Experience with Emperor Angelfish

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Ghetto Engineer
Dec 16, 2005
Moscow, ID
I have had an obsession with these fish for a very long time but never had a tank where I could keep one. I have a 125g now, which will be good for awhile, and by the time it is ready to be moved to a bigger tank I should be ready to upgrade tanks. Anyways, they tank is an LPS, SPS, and clams (or will be), anyways, am I pretty much screwed if I want to keep these. I also have an obsession with clams, and the clams will win out. What are other peoples thoughts on this? Are all emperors mantle nippers? Don't get me wrong if I get one, he will stay no matter what. Would I be playing russian roulette with it?

Well this is only my experince with two in customers tanks.
Both eat zoos. One nips clams, and the other doesnt even act like they exist.
The one that doesnt nip clams, eats all colt corals added. The one that Does nip clams doesnt notice colt coral.
Neither one bothers shrimp, or hermits, lps, or leathers.
Neither one is agressive to the other fish. There is of course the dominence of the tank issue, so sometimes one or the other will argue with a tang or something, but they leave firefish, gobies, cardinal fish, and the rest alone.
They both try to eat feather dusters.
Thats all I can share with you.
Both customers were warned that they are not totally reef safe, but can sometimes exist in a reef, but its a risk.
Well, I don't plan on having so zoos or colt so that is at least somewhat promising. But not so promising on the mantle part. Thanks for your .02.
Its a crap shoot is the best anyone can tell you. I read of instances where folks bought an emporer from someone who had it in a reef tank w/ clams and SPS and never had a problem. But the second it went into the new system, it went for the clams and SPS....

Best bet would be to purchase a smaller juvenile, and keep it very well fed so that it doesnt have the urge to nibble on other things in the tank.

When you say you will be upgrading to a larger tank, what size are you thinking?

Well, it wouldn't be for a bit so that is kinda up in the air. If I was to get one it would be a juvenile so I would a year at least I figure. Maybe about 240g. It will just depend a lot.