Well lets just say it gets less than 1 MPG. It has a 325 gallon fuel tank.So how many Gal/Hr do those big Merc's use on the Donzi Brenden?
Krish was telling me he heard gas would double by the end of the year
Well in my opinion and since i don't know how to drive, all i can say is Thank god for bicycles .
ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm gone on that one
I knew I shouldn't have come back here!!! I said I wouldn't but the temptation of wanting to know what you said was too strong and now look at this...What the heck is a "movile" Gabby?
I don't know how to drive but I still do!
i don't know how to drive,
I have never heard of such a thing. Step right up fokes. See a woman that can not drive. Please ...Please form a line.
:lol: :lol: :lol:i'm trying to learn how to drive but i'm just as bad as spongebob because i drive like a drunk woman
Nipping the bottle huh? I never considered what spongebob did as driving.
I bet stupid Frenchie names like Bovee really screw you up!darn it !! i knew it was with the other B but i thought ... naw it's probably with the v
talk about a hijack job !!! I am glad to see Brenden and spongebob are working on their Krish hijack University PHD's
The way gas prices are going I am going to have to figure out a way to deliver aquariums on a bike
I bet stupid Frenchie names like Bovee really screw you up!