Fallow Tank Issues

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Well-known member
Aug 14, 2011
Vancouver Island
General input requested, experiences etc. For fun lets assume an established 100 gal tank with a decently large fish load, suddenly the fish are removed, what could you expect to happen in the tank?
Interesting Sas,

I guess it all depends on the types of fish that are in there. A few tangs can really keep the algae back to the point that you would not even know you have nuisance algae until they were removed.

The bio load is going to be dropped off substantially, feedings and waste, this could only improve the water quality.

No fish is reef safe imo, so the corals will more then likely open up more and show better signs of health.

This system will have corals left behind? If so, nutrient supplementing may be required after some time.

Is that what your looking for?
yeah! never considered the Tangs keeping algae in cheque, and I don't think people do the fallow thing very often, I would forsee a rise in algae from the bacterial dieoff, its been a very long time since I did mine and can't recall much
Bare bottom or sand?
If sand, you will have plenty of nutrients coming out of the sand for a while, even without fish to provide new nutrients.
I assume that means that you do have a sandbed. How long has the tank been up?

If your skimming, etc. was taking care of the nutrients in the water before, I would keep them running. Sandbeds process the simple nitrogen compounds, but can store the organics for gradual release over a long period.
To add to what was already posted, if you run a refugium with an algae in it for nutrient export, expect it to really take off from the die-off :)

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This is strictly research/what if thing, my tank was fallowed years ago, fish qt'd and 0 additions since, just wondering what goes on when the fish get pulled from an active display
I would expect a drop in ammonia and nitrite production. I did notice in my zoa only tank that with the lack of fish putting organics in the water the zoanthids suffered. I added back in a sailfin tang and they look great now... odd, but i guess they absorbed a lot of nutrients out of the water
I would expect a drop in ammonia and nitrite production. I did notice in my zoa only tank that with the lack of fish putting organics in the water the zoanthids suffered. I added back in a sailfin tang and they look great now... odd, but i guess they absorbed a lot of nutrients out of the water

absorbed or benefited from the poo and nitrates?