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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Oct 22, 2004
Nassau, Bahamas
I know we already have a wonderful Resource Library put together by dedicated members and staff here, but there are also many other threads and websites out there that come up quite a bit in our daily posting (not found in the library) that we love to pass along to others that are quite helpful as well. So...I figured I'd start a thread listing a few links I find myself passing on to others on a regular basis and encourage anyone else, if they have some of their own that they'd love to share/add, they could add them here. I figured this could be a great way to keep track of some of these useful threads or links we forget to bookmark so we wouldn't have to search very far to find them (thus the reason I made it a "sticky") but also, may be quite helpful for new members to check out as well.:)

Here are a few for starters that come up quite a bit. Some are my own personal threads I've started and some are not.

Click on the underlined links for...

Members filtration setups (sumps, refugiums etc...)

Thread on Flow (how much gph of flow different members use in various sized tanks)

Photos of RF member's tanks

Melev's Reef website

Explainantion and animation of how a sump works from Melev's reef

Interactive website showing bulb comparisons between various 250 watt bulbs

Simple saltwater Glossary
WWW.GARF.ORG This site grows there own corals and sells frags from them.they are all about conserving the oceans. along with many other things. check it out iv ordered from them a couple of times and have had good luck. hope this is what you were looking for
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Ok, I'll add a few: First is how to post a url with a description!
Leave the parenthesis off & replace the http:address with your own

I tried it, but had no luck, Im doing something wrong. So if i had a site, Say
i would type it as [**url="http://www.garf.org/"]GARF[/URL] but take the 2 stars out and it should work, I put the stars in just so it would show up as a URL GARF

Lets see if that works. now just have to figure out how to make it diff colors. hehe thanks Lee

oh and thanks alot scooterman for your help in PM's
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I have to say that the DIY thread on this site has been really good to me. I am going to be building my own rock wall. I built my own stand & I have enjoyed all the other DIY projects on there! Kudos everyone!