Fedex sucks

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Apr 17, 2009
Fed Ex has dropped the ball yet again.

Les at Wet Pets shipped 3 heniochus for us yesterday and we were supposed to pick them up this morning at 9 in Bothell. We live in Bellingham but wanted to make sure the fish had as little time in transit as possible.

We checked status before we left and found that they are either in Los Angeles or Oakland due to "mechanical difficulties". The fedex managers are telling me that the fish won't get here until tomorrow.

I am sick to my stomach and have been calling every manager that I can at Fedex to get them to get those fish to me today but I keep getting excuses.

I am so angry.
FedEx destroyed my package of corals a few years was probably worth about $1500 retail value!!! i work at UPS.. "Mechanical Problems" could mean your package got dropped and busted or stepped on and crushed!!:evil:
"Mechanical Problems" could mean your package got dropped and busted or stepped on and crushed!!:evil:

I hear this all the time at my work and it is ussually what you said. Shipping company can care less about how your package arrive. They will just tell you to submit a claim.
This Is not a matter of UPS vs. FED EX.....I am on the phone with two in Seattle and one in Oakland.....I always pack my fish with bigger bags and More water and oxygen....just in case situations like this happens...the fish...(if packed properly) can last 48 hours in the bag....I have been shipping for two years now and most destinations will take 2 days regardless and 99% of the time the fish make it to their destination just fine!!! I pack every shipment as standard practice for a 2 day trip...california,and most of washington are
0ne day destinations however the fish are still packed (as a precaution) for a two day trip...I am sure that either company Fed Ex/or UPS has their mishaps and some employees that just dont give a Hoot about the packages or the customers!! There are also the really great workers who always great me with a smile,know me by my first name already and have actually ran boxes to the plane for me when (President Obama was in Hawaii and the access road to fed ex was closed) I showed up to fed ex late after the 3:30 cut off time and the Rep there ran the boxes out to the ramp as they were loading the plane....and then there was the story on the Barrier Reef Shipment where a Large achilles tang slashed it's way out of the bag and the driver delivered the fish in a plastic container full of water (still alive) to the store...those are the fed ex workers I commend....the other ones who dont care...should be standing in the unemployment line in this tough recession!!! ALoha Les
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They all have their problems. I have had MORE problems with UPS packages arriving two or three days late. Luckily the only things I have had shipped overnight have been with FEDEX and one came all the way from North Carolina. It left their at 5:00PM and was on my doorstep at 9:00AM. The best excuse I have had from UPS was a Enviromental Disaster in SPOKANE! It was in April so there wasn't any snow and it didn't rain that day so I can't figure out what an ENVIRONMENTAL DISASTER was.
Any luck on getting this issue resolved? I felt the same way when fedex screwed up on my potters angel and it ended up taking 3 days for the fish to finally arrive in seattle and it ended up not making it. Hopefully they will get your fish here tomorrow if they didnt arrive today. I will say that Les does do a great job in packing the fish and I believe that if my potters would have made it on the 2nd day the fish would have made it. I hope everything works out for you. Good Luck.
I've shipped corals accross the us a few times with fedex and never had a problem. I always use priority overnight service though which does cost more.
We drove to Seattle last night to pick fishies up at the airport and after a 2 hour drive home I am happy to report that they seem to be doing fine! They even ate a little this morning and have made freinds with Moses, our purple tang. They seem to be grooming him already! Its way cute.

Many thanks to Les for all of his help. We all were on the phone to managers all over the country to get the fish to seattle yesterday.

What a relief!