Feed My Anenome?

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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welcome aboard marlin06. feeding your bta is just a matter oftaking a piece of shrimp ,krill, fish or what ever you are feeding the tank and putting it on the anenome. the anenome will pull it in and eat it.

Just scroll down to additional options when replying to a thread. Click on the manage attachments buton. There you may upload 5 images from your computer two at a time or from a url one at a time. They will appear as tumbnails in the thread which then can be clicked on to enlarge. These photos however need to be under a certain file size to upload 100k each for jpeg. I see you found the thread to post

Hi Eastonreef -
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and please do/also check out the anemone threads I have listed under "discussions" in the sticky atop this forum called "Fav links" (many addresses of feeding, breeding, etc)