Feedback please on Acrylic Tank Problem.

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Well-known member
Jul 8, 2003
Seattle WA.
Would like to hear feed back here on this scenerio..

Acrylic 180 Looks to be homemade. Can tell here by how all the edges were Routered out etc.
I have a chance here to pick this up on the Cheap but real concerned with one big issue here:
The Seams on the Sides: Brazing ( did I describe/ spell this right )
It's where they start to "Spider Web out " all along the seam area.
It's obvious on the Sides. Got a feeling here I could get a "BlowOut" on this because of it.. Wonder if I could use say Weldon 16 and run a good bead of it inside along the seams to beef them up ??

OR just not take the Chance, and Not Buy it ????
Sorry no Pictures but those who are familiar with this should know what I'm talking about .................
well you could do 2 things here 1 not buy it if you are conserned. and 2 if you do buy it you can always add square dowls along the edges it will not be pretty but i would look into who made it before I bought it. but would probaly skip the on the deal personally.
I second that . I would not buy it. there are too many good deals to get one that has to have alot of work

well you could do 2 things here 1 not buy it if you are conserned. and 2 if you do buy it you can always add square dowls along the edges it will not be pretty but i would look into who made it before I bought it. but would probaly skip the on the deal personally.
180 gallons is a lot to come home to on the floor. I just don't think that it is worth it. If it can go wrong it will. That is how my current build is going.
i would pass on sense in taking a chance on having 180+ gallons on the floor and i will give you a great deal on a 210g all glass tank stand and canopy.
not worth it..pass on it...there are too many tanks out there that are available that have nothing wrong with them..
Well, he gave me a price here of $70.00 . Probley could get it less than that actually..
It would be in a garage area.. The seller just wants to get rid of it basically..
For $70 I'd take it if only to cut up for parts, but then I like that sort of thing. If you don't want it let me know. I could come down tommorow or monday.

take a close look at the 'spider webbing' Theres a difference between that and a little bit of crazing where someone was sloppy with the glue. Esp weld on 3. If the cracks don't go all the way through I'd get it even if I had to put a patch on it to feel secure.

Side note:

I've also lost count how many times I've flooded my house in the last 10 years.

Still pass on it...

It will be more than $70 and here is why:

$70 to buy the tank
another $50-100 to fix it up, then here is the kicker:
when it floods your house, and it eventually will, add another $100-200 to clean up all the mess.

so a $70 tank is now worth almost $400 (high-end)...If you wait, you can find a well made, non-leaking acrylic tank for this price..

I am with khaosinc, the best the tank is for, is parts.

just my .02