Fertilizer for gracilaria

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Dec 15, 2003
Tacoma, WA

I need fertilizer for my gracilaria prop tubs is f2 going to do the job, my water change water is to low nutrient.

I just got a email from a high school teacher in Hawaii that has a grow out business/class. He says they use miracle grow as do most of the land base facilities in Hawaii. I cant get it to grow with tank water, guess thats a good thing. :) Its not a good fuge macro but tangs love it.

I didn't figure it would be good in a fuge. Mine's is in a 10 gallon "algae/pod" tank...lol. So is he dosing miracle grow directly into the tank?? That sounds scary...lol. Did he indicate which kind of Miracle grow? There's several kinds, based on what you're feeding...ie. house plants, tomatoes....etc. Any idea how this would effect pod and shrimp population? Any risk of metal contaminants?
No I emailed backand am waiting for a response. I would guess enough to get N just detectable. You dont want pods in the ogo tank if you expect it to grow out as tang food. The will chew up the new growth.

Just tang food for me. Cheaper than having it shipped or paying LFS prices. Petco has the best price around but doesnt have it very often.

[/IMG]You folks should be able to get Gracilaria from the Asian section of your supermarket. It would be called "Ogo".
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Not here just a little to far from Hawaii. We can get ogo sheets but they fall apart almost immediatly. Its much easier to just grow it out from a starter but it needs fertilizer if the water is low nutrient otherwise it doesnt grow.

I have also found it to be temp. sensitive. Keep the temp, under 80* at all times for best growth.
That dried stuff is called "Nori". I use the Vegi clip with the screen on it so that I fish, my gobi's don't twist it off in one bit. The Tangs have to work hard to get at it. I made my own grid out of knitting weave (plastic).
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No ogo is pressed into dried sheets just like nori. I dont limit the fish and allow 24/7 grazing. I give the tang a full "bush". When the majority of it is gone I move the "bush" back to the grow out tub and replace it with a fresh "bush".