FINAL FISH LIST(i hope)feedback please

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Well-known member
May 7, 2005
so. cal
I have a 72x18x20H tank about 150lbs of live rock with ½” sandbed. 45 gal sump with 30lbs of miracle mud and caulerpa. A sedra 1200gph and 586gph pump for the returm. Total circulating water 140gal. currently have 5 damsels in the sump. Will run like this for 3mo. Then add half the crabs and snails. (Creature list below ). Run with these for additional 3mo. Then add rest of creatures except fire shrimp. Run with these for 1-2mo. Add fire shrimp. Run for 2wk then star to add first group of fish. Approx 8mo. tank running before first group goes in tank. damsels out. then add each group 1-2mo. Apart.

Group #1
1-green clown goby (gobioudon atrangulatrus)………………...1”
1-yellow clown goby (gobioudon okiwawee)………………….....1”
1-lineatus fairy wrasse (cirrhilabrus lineatus)……………..……..4”
1-Red Parrot Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus rubriventralis)........3”

2- false percula clown (amphiprion ocellaris) ………………….…4”
1-flameback angel brazilian (centopyge aurantonus)…………3”
1-blue hippon tang (paracanthurus hepatus).......…………….8-9”

1-regal angel (pygoplites diacanthus )………………….………….10”
1-mandrine goby (synchiropus splendidus)…………….………...4”
1-orcid dottyback (fridmani pseudochromis)………….………….4”


5-blood red fire shrimp (lysmata amboinensis)
1-electric blue hermit crab (calcinus elegans)
2-emerald matrix crab (mithrax sculptus)
10-zebra hermit crabs (calcinus laevimanus)
15-red legged mex. hermit crab (clibanarius digueti)
1-red flame serpent starfish (ophioderma rubicundum)
1-tiger serpent starfish (ophiolepsis superba)
15-nassarius snail (nassarius vibex)
25-turbo snails (turbo fluctuosa)

ok so what do you guys think good bad. any issues you see i need to think about.
Well the angels can be a problem if your going to keep corals, also a 10 inch one seems way to big for your tank, geez it would be to big for my tank. That and the hippo tang seems way to big to. I would start with smaller fish, your really going to put alot of pressure on your filtration with that much of a bioload. I have a 1200 gallon system with one large tang 13 inches and it puts a ton of bioload on the tank

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I would also agree with Mike. I think, especially with both of the large fish, to be a lot for a 112 gallon tank/140 gallons of water. Also, some hobbyists find the hermits can be on the more aggressive side towards snails. Scarlet hermits seem to be less aggressive of the hermits.

I like that you have the fish broken down in order of introduction.
Regal angels can be VERY difficult to keep. In fact its really something that unless you see one eating in the shop, I wouldnt take it home, even then your chances are really iffy. They are a shy fish that doesnt adapt well to captivity. I would definately suggest leaving it off your list.
I'm also a bit worried about the mandarin in your tank as well. You have a couple of wrasses and some other gobies...
You could very well wind up being all right with one in your tank, but I would suggest staying away from keeping one unless you find one eating in a store.
