Finn's Magnetic Frag Racks

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May 16, 2006
Spokane, Washington, United States
Well, the mailman just delivered me a box of Chex Mix!! Finn sent me my favorite snack!! WooHoo

With mouth watering, I grab a knife to cut this box open and enjoy my snack!!!
What?? The knife is sticking to the box!!

Hey, this isn't Chex Mix?? My daughter had to get in the


And a roll of Quarters???!!!

Okay, all joking aside...yeah right...:D

These are the Frag Racks Barbie and I ordered from Finn. They're AMAZINGLY well built!! If you got any from him, keep these magnets AWAY from your computer and BE CAREFUL with them. I've messed with Neo Magnets before, but for the size, these are STRONG!!! Let me emphasize that...these are STRONG!!!!

Very carefully, I put this in my tank. Slide the magnets towards one another, making sure they're both in contact with the glass, BEFORE they are attracted to one another and have a GOOD GRIP on them. Come on....Get a Grip!!!


These things would hold a small car!! Though I highly discourage any of you from putting a small car in your reef tank!! Fish escape by jumping, not driving off!!

Martin, Thank you so much!!! Even seeing these in person, when we were over there a few weeks ago, these are AWESOME!!!

Can't wait to fill them up with frags, or boulders!!! Nah, frags!!!

I'll be taking Barbie's to her shortly. She'll love them!!!
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Whatever you do, do NOT put the magnets together. He packed them with spacers. They're even a lil' tough to get apart with the spacers. I allowed two to get together and played holy heck getting them apart!!! As I said above, a lot of people don't know about magnets and computers. Big NO NO. A weak magnet can scramble your hard drive. Keep these away.
We just got one from finn as well. Just make sure they don't touch each other. I found that out. Adam had them setting on top of frig and i went to get a hammer from off the frig and knocked them off. they fell on the floor and stuck together. I couldn't get them about.Adam had to get them about. lol will not do that again
And if they get stuck together without the spacer. Set them on the edge of a counter top, with one hanging over the edge, slide it down and away.
Hey sorry about the strong magnets, but in the past I've made frag racks with weaker magnets and overloaded them and lost some pretty expensive zoanthids.
Never again.:)
Be very careful with magnets around your fingers too! My hands were wet one time while handeling a tunze nanostream mounting magnet and it slipped and got stuck together on that web of flesh between my thumb and my hand.... Due to the way it had my skin trapped, I couldnt use my left hand to pry it apart by myself, so I had to go find a friend and explain to them what was going on, while instructing them how to pry the pieces apart using a screw driver I had located... All this was going while the magnet was cutting deep into my flesh. I felt like passing out towards the end =P NEVER AGAIN!! SAFETY FIRST!!

Btw, I have to get me one of these!