first tank, very confused

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Jan 1, 2008
I just bought my very first 46 gallon tank, I always wanted to do this and finally got the courage to try. I'm reading everything I can on the subject and I think that's making it harder as info is very conflicting. So here is the situation. I have the tank up and running for 5 days with nothing in it except water and reef sand. I plan to go today to add my live rock to cycle it. Now the problem is I'm not sure about the equipment I bought. I've read through the other posts and they are so confusing about what are the best setups. Mine came as a kit, 46 gallon tank,stand, fluval canister filter(I'm not sure what type but it has 3 baskets in it for carbon, bio max and the other I can't figure out from the instructions) a heater, a canopy with 2 T5 fluorescent tubes and a water pump which I was told I would need for water movement. How does eveything sound so far? Is there anything else I should look into getting? How much live rock should I get? As for the tank I plan to start of simply, A few fish and hopefully some easy to care for coral. Any thoughts or advice I would greatly appreciate....................................I"m so confused.
Welcome to RF. The first thing you need to do is decided what type of tank you want. Reef, Fish only with live rock. Next read the sticky (thread above this one)" For Those New to the Hobby" is a good place to start.

One very important thing to understand about this hobby you cannot rush anything or you will kill a lot of things.
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I plan to start off with fowlr tank, maybe once I get a handle on all this(and more money :) I will try to add some easy care coral etc
It can be overwhelming at times & you will get many opinions help but as you've already stated read lots, it will help you. Don't rush into buying lots of equipment right off until you get a better understanding of what is going on. This is a good place to get started, learn the basics & practice them before moving on. One thing I'd start thinking about is Water, the quality of water is very important in this hobby, so getting a RI/DI unit will be very beneficial to use but you can buy ro/di water from your LFS & use distilled, I would not recommend TAP water, too many variables to deal with, Instant Ocean makes a very reliable salt mix source, it is one of the oldest & most used but you may have many other options so whatever you use stick to it, also basic test kits ammonia, nitrate & nitrite. Most filtration done is what is called the Berlin type, a good skimmer & Live rock as your basic filtration. Your tank, I'd consider getting about 50lbs to maybe 75lbs, you can go 2lbs per gallon rule but i usually go less, IMO.
So Starting out, I'd get the LR, & consider a source of water, good quality water. You have T5 lights, you may need more water flow later but for now get your basic flow going, LR & good water & let it cure. Try to get most of your LR at once as not to cause more cycling delays, you will need time to cycle your tank, we have lots of reading on cycling in this forum. Time being keep your canister filter for cleaning purposes but I wouldn't use it with all of the filters involved, we can discuss as to why later but basically they become a nitrate problem. With the lights, some good flow, LR & good water, you should be fine for fish & some easy corals in a few months, Yes months, I would highly recommend you take time to establish your tank mainly because your just starting out & learning, as experience goes you can jump start things & go quicker but right now learning is very important, please be patient, save a fish & welcome to RF! :)

Oh one more thing, do you have a sump for this tank?
remember one thing take all this and go with what works best for u .we all have difff ways to make this work...And never be afraid to ask questions u have a lfs that u trust for info with many years of exp?that helps as well
One thing I just learned about curing live rock and a new tank ....

Keep your lights off......for atleast 3 weeks during curing time

Keep a good water flow ...............

Turn your heater up to 78-80 to speed up the die off and curing process...and use a light brush every week to clean off the rocks during curing....and make sure the suck out the death from the bottom of the tank or top of sand bed.....

Just things I have learned ...Hope this might help........Good luck
I always cure my LR with lights on normal cycle but cooking rocks in the dark is another subject for older Lr, also the temps. should be normal always otherwise you defeat the purpose of the living bacteria trying to grow! Instead of brush you may want to suggest a Power head & just blow the rocks.
Depending on your different Live Rock and how much you are curing, some of it smells really bad while it is curing. It may be easier to cure it in a large rubber maid type of tub in the basement or some other non every day section of your house. and PS GO SLOW and you will save money doing it :)