Fish Compatibility

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RF Staff
Jul 28, 2011
Olalla, WA.
I know there isn't a 100% formula for fish compatibility, but does anyone know if generally a flametail blenny and a rainsford goby will get along? I have the flametail blenny and I am considering a rainsford goby.
I have a Flametail with a Tailspot and they get along just fine they are always together have not had any trouble with them. I thought I would have issues being they have the same body type, like the same areas of the tank...etc I know a Rainford goby is a little different in looks and characteristics from a Tailspot, but from what I have read on them they are general a community type reef fish.
After some additional reading I have decided to forgo the rainford goby idea as I have found that they are very finicky eaters.