fish death

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Well-known member
Jul 3, 2006
Kansas City Missouri
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Sorry to hear that Brady. Not sure what it could be, but if the others still look fine, then there may not be anything to worry about.:)
how long have you had the tank cycled???? what are your tank parameters???? ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, salinity,temp??? the more we know, it will be easier to help figure out the problem:) long did you have the fish??
everything in the tank was good had the tank running for about 2 months now. had the fish maybe 2 weeks or longer. the one fish i have looks good he is swimming around and stuff. the one that died didnt swim around much at all.
May just be a sick fish Brady and nothing more. I wouldn't worry about it at all unless the others die on you. Fish die all the time for un-known reasons and this may just be one of those cases:)
brady816 said:
im getting the leaf fish friday and im paying $60 for it. I dont want to have it for 3 days and it die ya know

I hear you bro !! My tank is only 9 months old and about 3 months ago I dropped $90 bucks on a purple tang, until that point $20 dollars was the most I had spent on a single fish. I was afraid to look in the tank each morning for fear that he would be a floater. To make a short story even longer the purple tang is fine and my pair of clowns $20 ea. are as healthy as can be, all that worry for nothing :rolleyes: If your parameters are good and the tank is cycled drop the cash and get your leaf fish

On a lighter note be happy that it was only a damsel that died because it saves you the trouble of trying to catch the lilttle bugger when he starts poking at your new leaf fish. My damsel once killed 2 cleaner shrimp in less than a hour and one of the 2 was killed in the first 5 seconds. I would have paid $60 bucks to have my damsel die of natural causes, instead I wound up tearing the whole thing down in order to catch him and turn him into a damsicle.

Those dam damsels are fast and wiley :lol:
i hear ya there it was just $3.00. I keeping my fingers crossed that the dwarf fuzzy lion fish will be there friday. and i will have both of my killers in my tank
brady816 said:
been running for a week maybe. how big of a water change do i do on the 55 gal

WC on the QT is that what you're asking?

If trying to export nutrients I'd say 25% or 15 gals.
Just normal WC weekly WC than 10% or 5 gals.
no on the 55 gal since the one of the fish died today. im doing 10 gal every other week. didnt know if i need to change more. everything in the tank is good
brady816 said:
no on the 55 gal since the one of the fish died today. im doing 10 gal every other week. didnt know if i need to change more. everything in the tank is good

That's about right. Pretty close to 20% Bi-weekly. I typically like to look at it as 10% a week is a good starting point. Of course this increases if fighting with a screwy level.

I prefer weekly changes, but even then I let it slide for a few days more sometimes. I think the key is as long as your aware of your params and also with doing WC's you have a healthy tank.

Might want to look into a QT tank also.. A simple 10g tank works fine.
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