Fish Mouth Peeling

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Designer Reef
Aug 22, 2007
I have two tangs and both of their mouths seem to be peeling. One of them was nipped at by another fish that is now removed and the other I have no idea what's going on. Has anyone had this happen there a disease that I couldn't find that is the problem? Thanks for any help!
Could be from running into the LR. 2 tangs would need plenty of room or a lrger tank for plenty of swiming space.
Tanks size and amount of LR and type of tangs?
Gary said it, Tangs needs lots of room, as mentioned more information would be helpful.
A closeup clear photo is needed for this one.

Since both are exhibiting, it could be something they are chewing on and have had a bad reaction to.
The tank is a 180g AGA reef tank. One of the tangs is a Tennenti Tang whom is about 3 1/2 inches and the other is a Naso Tang about 7 inches. I have about 150-200 lb of rock. There is plenty of room for them to swim. The Tennenti seems to be fine...swimming and eating, but the Naso is just kinda hanging out in one spot. My only other thought could be that he is stressed from when I removed the other fish out of the tank that was picking on everyone. He could have run into a rock during that also. Not to sure. I will try and get a photo when my lights come on today. Thanks
Here is the front shot of the Naso. The skin looks to be getting better, but still doesn't look good.


Here is the side shot of the Naso. All the little black spots are stress spots I believe, but if you look towards the bottom there seems to be little white spots which I hope isn't ich.

Sorry, but Marine ich it is.
Good you caught it in time.
Are they eating well still?
Time to follow the Hypo treatment plan, to the letter
The little Tennenti is eating fine and has no spots on him what so ever, but the naso stopped eating yesterday.
Hypo is when you drop the salinity down to 1.009 over the course of two points per day? And is this safe to do in my main tank? I don't have a qt big enough for this guy.
So I just read through Lee's Hypo Page, and the only question that I have is do I have to now treat every fish in my tank with this since theoretically they have all been exposed to it? I have a 55 g tank that I will set up as a QT tank today and i have a sponge filter that I have been running in my sump for months that I will put in their. I will start off with putting the two tangs in their and wait for anymore advice that may arise. Thanks again everyone!
So I just read through Lee's Hypo Page, and the only question that I have is do I have to now treat every fish in my tank with this since theoretically they have all been exposed to it? I have a 55 g tank that I will set up as a QT tank today and i have a sponge filter that I have been running in my sump for months that I will put in their. I will start off with putting the two tangs in their and wait for anymore advice that may arise. Thanks again everyone!

You are on the right track. All the fish are carriers and will need to be treated. What else do you have in the display? Perhaps moving any corals, inverts and rock to the 55 might be an option. The display will either need to be treated or left fallow (fish free) for the required period.
I'm shocked to hear this about the wonderfull blonde naso.
What fish was the one kickn butt?

The fish looks very stressed, and not eat is a bad sign.

Do you see Ich or do you see white stress marks?

Call us if you have any questions

Sorry to hear this,

Has your water been tested ?

The move could have been stressfull for the fish, but as for this blonde it had been healthly from day one at our shop and he stayed hear for about 2 months.
To me it just sounds like he got picked at a little , began to hide and is now showing signs of stress, the mouth will be ok , get your water quality up the best you can , feed him spectrum pellets and nori.If he is hiding in a cave , put the nori down there.

Let me know how is going
I had a naso prior to this one and he would show the same signs when he became stressed. I don't see any white spots on his fins, just on his body which are more black then white, which look like stress marks. The fish that was angry as hell was an angel that is now not the problem. When we got him home, the first 5 days he was eating everything we put into the tank, but the angel started nipping at both tangs on tuesday hard core. My first guess is that he is stressed out because I had to go kinda crazy getting the angel out of the 180g. I blocked all fish on one side and he was swimming pretty franticly.

Currently right now he's out just kinda hanging in the water, he ate a little bit of freeze dried mysis, but won't really touch any nori off the clip. Just observing him he kinda seems to flutter his fins a bit every now and then.
I don't see any convincing evidence the pictured fish is infected with Marine Ich (Cryptocaryon irritans).

You are sure the black spots are stress marks. Have they gone away now? Do they change their location any?

Before any treatment is administered, I would perform a freshwater dip on the Naso. Follow the procedure outlined here: Fresh Water Fish Dip. Following this procedure, try to keep the fish in the dip for at least 10 minutes.

Most important thing to do after the dip is to closely examine the dip water. See if you can find anything at the bottom of the water that looks like very small sesame seeds or any signs of small parasites. Report what you find if anything, and what it looks like.

Just on one fish, I'd say the mouth is showing signs of either an injury or bacterial infection. The injury could lead to infection. But having two fishes with this tends to lead me to believe there is a parasite at work here. I will need to know if the FW dip water shows any signs of a parasite.
I will do the dip, and on the topic of the mouth, the other tang got nipped at in the mouth by the angel, and the naso tangs mouth is actually looking better than it was yesterday. I will let you know what i find in the fw dip water. Thanks Lee

Aren't Tangs suspectible to Black Ich??
(this is the first thing that jumped to my mind when I saw this pic)

Yes. Tangs are a favorite of Black Ich. The 'black' of this parasite is a tiny bit of blood that the parasite causes to hemorrhage. The parasite itself is not visible to the unaided eye.

However, the 'black' spot is tiny, like a pin prick. Smaller or slight larger than the dot of the "i" in this post.