fish tank leak

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Well-known member
Aug 19, 2007
i just found a small leak in the side of my tank and i wanted to kno the best way to fix it
If It is glass & leaking at a seam you will need to lower the water level below that area & use some GE silicone I on it. The problem is If your getting one leak then you may have more, usually glass tanks last many years but It may need re-seaming all of the joints, which would mean emptying the tank, cleaning it then removing the old silicone & replacing it with all new silicone.
If it is acrylic, you need to basically do the same but use Weldon #3 If you can get the thin liquid in the crack, or Weldon #16 to cover the joint from the outside, may be best to get a professional to look into that for you, It may have more issues also.
i would start geting rdy to switch over to a temp tank... you can set something up eazly for enough time to repair... but as said... one leak= meny more uselly
Treat it as an opportunity. You wanted a bigger tank anyway, didn't you?
yea i definitly do but i just dont have the room or money

and how hard is it to transfer all live stock over to another tank sand rocks fish ect. and what is the easiest way
Is it a glass tank?
How handy are you?

If your feel up to replacing the silicone you can use a brute rubber-maid tub to hold most of your stuff, maybe get a couple.
Actual glass aquariums aren't that expensive, it is an aquarium with all the bells & whistles that add up. You have to ask specifically just a tank with nothing extra, your LFS can order that for you. Also you may find a local paper & buy used.
I know you said money is tight but if you are going to go to all the trouble and time to transfer everything, then put your time and effort into the repair, and then all your time and effort to put everything back into your repaired tank only to find out there is now another leak or the same leak starts in a week or two. If the leak starts when you are not home, you also have the water damage to deal with. If at all possible I would (and have) replace the tank and your peace and mind.
glass cages has a pretty crappy reputation. I have a 40 breeder from them for a frag tank it has some pretty sloppy craftsmanship