Fish trap for rent/sale in the Edmonds lynnwood area???

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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2013
lynnwood, WA
Hey all, today I received my order from saltwater fish and some may call me crazy I ended up getting a tiny blue hippo for my BC29, I know I can't keep him in there long ( I'm working on setting up a much larger tank) but for right now that's where he will call home, BUT I have two damsels and they are picking on him pretty good right now. To reduce stress I put him in a breeders net and I'm planning on working on getting the damsels out. Does any one up north Edmonds lynnwood area have a fish trap for sale or rent? I'm even open to if you guys want the fish if you can get them you can have them type of deal, I've read many options on how to get them out, draining the tank, barbless hooks, nets and pulling all the rock and going that way. Pulling the rocks not an option, I have spent way too much time stacking and glueing to pull it all out. Any different help would be great thanks
Cameron Bates
I have got a fish trap you can barrow. Hitch is I am in Bonney Lake.
I know for a fact that some members in your area have fishtraps and I am sure they will be willing to let you borrow it.

If no one response soon I will be home all weekend.

PM me if you need it.
Just make one out of a 1 liter bottle it works for me every time.
Second that. I've use the plastic bottle method to catch wrasse, tang, clowns...I usually put the bottle in first, let the fish get use to it for an hour or so, then squirt some food into it with a baster.....and the hungry fish will dive right in.
I have a fish trap or nets over by 196th.

PM your email address if you need help. Damsels should be easier to catch than tangs.
You can rearrange the rock work and keep the lights off for a day or so to confuse the territories the damsels have and they my leave the tang alone. Just watch for ich on the tang, they can get it from stress really easy, so you may want to setup a QT tank and watch for ich and treat for it. JMO
You can rearrange the rock work and keep the lights off for a day or so to confuse the territories the damsels have and they my leave the tang alone. Just watch for ich on the tang, they can get it from stress really easy, so you may want to setup a QT tank and watch for ich and treat for it. JMO
I have a ten gallon qt tank set up that's been running for a couple weeks now, it's got one damsel but he will be easy to pull, it's got some dead rock but has live sand. Can I still treat the tank with a copper ich treatment?
Shouldn't have rock or sand in the qt tank. Should be bare bottom with some pvc for hiding, so that everything in it can be disinfected.
Take the sand out and theres better stuff than copper for ich. Check with talk to a good LFS like OBD or Barrier and they will have what you need.I had some stuff from Barrier I would give you if I could find it. It's crypto something I think.
O found it it's called crypto-pro.......Its new never opened, Ive had it for awhile don't know how long it lasts if not opened. But it's for ich and hexamita. I'm a ways down south of you but if you need it you can get it from me. Hate to hear of fish dieing from ich. And yours may not get it.
So what if in the mean time I moved the tang to the 10g I've had running for a couple weeks that way it's by itself and what I tthink would be less stress and I could watch for ich, while I cought the damsels then with those gone I would place the tang back in the BC and set up a proper qt tank? As you could tell I'm newer to this hobby so any ideas would be helpful
I would put it in a QT tank and watch it and make sure it eats well and watch for ich for a week or so. Tangs are prone to ich . And you wont see ich when they first get it. It takes awhile for it to be visible and you can infect you tank with it if you put it in there to soon. Research ich and it's life cycle, it's a long a life cycle. Your tang may not get it , but when stressed tangs are prone to it really easy. Best to QT the fish and treat it till it's healthy and eatting well . Maybe for a couple weeks to see if it gets it. Remove the damsels and then put it in you display. Others may chime in here and have better info. But Being that your new to the hobby/Life style, you need to be careful and not kill fish when they can be treated and live a long life. And a tang needs a large tank also as they grow. But they can be really great fish to have and live along time.
I would put it in a QT tank and watch it and make sure it eats well and watch for ich for a week or so. Tangs are prone to ich . And you wont see ich when they first get it. It takes awhile for it to be visible and you can infect you tank with it if you put it in there to soon. Research ich and it's life cycle, it's a long a life cycle. Your tang may not get it , but when stressed tangs are prone to it really easy. Best to QT the fish and treat it till it's healthy and eatting well . Maybe for a couple weeks to see if it gets it. Remove the damsels and then put it in you display. Others may chime in here and have better info. But Being that your new to the hobby/Life style, you need to be careful and not kill fish when they can be treated and live a long life. And a tang needs a large tank also as they grow. But they can be really great fish to have and live along time.
thanks for your help. Tomorrow ill move it into the ten gallon by itself and watch it. It actually ate a little today so that was a good sign. As I said its tiny. Maybe 1/2 to 3/4 of an ich so as far as tank size right now I don't think my 30 will be too small for it. Once it gets larger it will be on to a much larger tank
OHHHHH, I love them when they are that tiny....they are sooooooooo cuuuuuute!
Good luck getting rid of the damsels.