New member
Hi all!! I am in the process of setting up a 55 gallon (hoping to be a reef lol but we'll see). We currently have a 125g reef, a 29g crab tank and a 20L FOWLR. The 20L was supposed to be a coral growing tank until I brought my flame angel home. I have read that it's hit and miss with them eating corals. Well we have a coral muncher .. he almost wiped out my acan in our 125g so we pulled him and now he's in the 20L temporarily. My question is this ... has anyone had any luck with flames NOT eating chalice corals? I would gladly turn the 55 into a chalice tank because they're my favorite corals. The ONLY coral the flame bothered was my small acan. What are your thoughts and experiences??
Thanks in advance!
Thanks in advance!