Food Recipes

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Sep 26, 2008
Near Spokane
I am wondering if anyone has any recipes for making fish food. I want to start feeding my gang something other than the frozen type of food. Anyone have any ideas or recipes?
I use clams, mussels, squid, mysis shrimp, frozen cyclopeze, table shrimp, and scallops in relatively equal proportions, and will even throw in a little nori sometimes (whatever "fresh" seafood is available at my grocery store). Then I add a little slcon or other vitamin mix to the batch, whisk it through the food processor to a pretty fine chop (1/8" or smaller sized pieces) not milkshake thin. Then I take the mash and press it into a piece of eggcrate laid on a cookie sheet and freeze it. Provides a nix mix of foods to cover a variety of fish, and even my Antennata Lion prefers the mash over target feeding him with shrimp/silversides/etc.
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