Found this while doing research: What's your thoughts?

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Dec 23, 2010
Lakewood, WA
Seneye for monitoring your tank. Here is the link anyone used or know about this? Sounds interestingDtech07
Oh I'm not looking to purchase, it seemed interesting plus the functions and technology also cost seemed much lower than American controllers. It seems that the system has more lighting concerns than what reefers look for and less Calk, Alk, Mag, and forth concerns. I out this out to get what others though or had heard, not to get idea to buy.
It looks like an interesting product. But for the price you can get a basic controller that will do the same thing and is expandable to meet furture needs. Just my $.02
found for 180$ onlything cewl is reads nitrate otherthan that reefkepper does and controlls rest
It's a shame their converting other readings. I'm going to email the company and ask some question on the unit and perhaps future exspandtions.