Fragging mushrooms..need help!

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Well-known member
May 16, 2007
Hey guys I recently acquired 3 mushrooms, the one in the pic hides the two behind it. Anyway, I'd like to frag it into smaller ones so I can put them somewhere else too and start having more but I have no clue how and don't want to kill it! Some help would be much appreciated!

If you leave them alone, they'll eventually grow and split. If you want to frag them, use a razor blade and cut them like a pizza, making sure you cut through the mouth with each cut. Depending on the size, you can cut them in half, or in quarters. Very large ones can be cut even further.
I have a great idea!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why don't you grab a chunk of patience, and let them grow a bit and then frag them. Chances are you won't have to worry about fragging, because, as has been suggested earlier, they will grow and split on their own??????????????????????????

They are nice mushrooms BTW.
I have a great idea, you can stop being rude too...sorry for not knowing they split on their own please dont kill me...sheese.
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If you leave them alone, they'll eventually grow and split.

Sid said it all

If you want to have them in different parts, a dull chisel and hammer with goggles can split any small rock. One larger colony is more valuable than more small pieces. Give one peace a chance :>)
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I have a great idea, you can stop being rude too...sorry for not knowing they split on their own please dont kill me...sheese.

I don't really think I was being rude, it is all in how you take it. This is what alot of folks have been trying to tell you thruout most of youe threads. You have to do some research before you get into buying these critters, please!!!!

All of us have done some of what you have done, but thanks to these boards, an incredible amount of info is out there, please take the time to read.
Your tank is looking good. One thing I learned recently, the more I keep my hands out of the tank, the happier and larger the corals get. They don't seem to like the taste of humans :>)
also u dont have many mushrooms so if u mess up there is not alot of lean back.

and after u frag them put them in a contiainer filled with lr rubble and cover it but let light get in and let them attach.
Well charlie when you say "I have a great idea!!!!!!!!! grab a chunk of patience" it sounds a little rude...and I have researched them just not the fragging part..thank you FishyFishy, the only time i've been in the tank is to pull out the remaining small pieces of hair algae I have..other than that I've let it on its own.
The first post after your question answered it perfectly if that's what you choose to do. After slice and dice place them in a container with some rubble and they will attach as blind1993 mentioned. I have one about 5 inches across and I'm waiting to see how big it gets.
Well I noticed it had a "foot" so to it safe to just pull it off or leave it on the rock when you go to frag it...if I even were or just to move it
Do a search on Anthony Calfo's forum. All your questions have been asked and answered. As to how much of a mushroom polyp one needs for survival, I have heard of one mushroom being chopped up into 10 pieces and good survival. Keep in mind, This is one of "god's creatures" and deserves some consideration, respect, and mercy. This means not throwing it in the blender as an experiment as one person here once bragged about. If in the future you see a need, use razer sharp instruments and near sterile conditions. Read up on it before you attempt it. There is no shortage of available info.
Well I noticed it had a "foot" so to it safe to just pull it off or leave it on the rock when you go to frag it...if I even were or just to move it

If you try to pull it off the rock and tear it that foot you talk about will grow into a new mushroom.
do be very careful about tearing any cnidarians... its just as likely to invite and infection (that can spread to healthy corals) as propagate.