Fresh saltwater vs. sitting overnight

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Jan 13, 2008
Phoenix AZ
Hey all,

Whenever I mix up new water for changes, I let it sit overnight, or at the very least 5-6 hours with a powerhead in it. I've always heard that repeated as Reef Voodoo, but what is the science behind it? In other words, is there anything different chemically between fully dissolved salt water that's been sitting for 5 minutes vs. overnight?
Interesting question as I put it in after it is mixed thoroughly. I will wait for responses as well.
OK, that was an interesting thread, and I think it alluded to an answer to my question. Thanks! :)

Logic tells me that once the ions are in solution, they're in solution regardless of time there. The only thing that might change over time is saturdation by CO2, changing the pH. However, the saturation by CO2 and O2 is going to change once it hits the water in my tank anyway, so maybe it's not such a huge deal?
Hard to argue with that.
You DON'T even want to know how I add salt:lol:

Actually I'm pretty carefull with any potential micro crystals since I have anemones, etc, but don't worry as much about PH balancing.